Johan Sopiee
As with many parents, I started photography when my daughter Nadia was born in April 2000. After capturing thousands of precious moments, I tried out a DSLR for the first time and was hooked. With new camera in hand, I was given the opportunity to assist another photographer with Aishah Sinclair’s wedding, and this began a deep-seated love for wedding photography.
I’ve covered weddings of all kinds, ranging from Malay to Chinese to Indian to Punjabi to Church to Garden and Kampung weddings. The thrill of observing two people falling in love is only surpassed by helping them capture their beautiful moments on their wedding day; moments that the couple and their families will be proud to share with their children and grandchildren.
Oh, if you enjoy charged up group photo sessions, just ask me to crank the fun up a notch by yelling, “Help Us Go Crazy!”.