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Jasmine Tai

Why should we keep tradition alive in weddings?

We may or may not have realized, but traditions are a huge part of our daily lives. From wearing traditional clothing like “Baju Kurung” or “Baju Melayu”, to giving money packets or known as “ang pao” during occasions other than Chinese New Year for example during birthdays or weddings.  Keeping tradition alive in weddings, especially in a diverse and culturally rich country like Malaysia, has several significant benefits: 

Cultural Identity

Malaysia is a melting pot of cultures, including Malay, Chinese, Indian, and indigenous traditions. Maintaining wedding traditions helps preserve these unique cultural identities and ensures that they continue to be part of the nation’s heritage.

Family Connection

Traditional wedding practices often involve family members in meaningful roles, strengthening family bonds and connections. For instance, traditional Malay weddings include rituals that honor both the bride’s and groom’s families, fostering a sense of unity and respect. 

Cultural Education

Weddings are a great opportunity to educate younger generations about their heritage. By participating in traditional customs, younger Malaysians learn about the significance of these practices and the stories behind them.

Respect for Ancestors

Many traditional wedding customs are rooted in honoring ancestors and paying respect to those who came before us. This respect is a way of acknowledging the wisdom and values passed down through generations.

Unique Celebration

Traditions can add a distinctive and personal touch to weddings. Malaysian wedding traditions, such as the vibrant Chinese lion dance, the colorful Indian mehndi ceremony, or the elegant Malay bersanding, provide a unique and memorable experience that sets each wedding apart.

Community and Social Cohesion

Traditional weddings often involve the wider community and foster a sense of social cohesion. They can serve as occasions for gathering friends, family, and neighbors, strengthening community ties and creating shared memories.

Spiritual Significance

Many traditional wedding rituals have spiritual or religious significance. For example, the Hindu saat phere (seven steps around the sacred fire) or the Islamic akad nikah (marriage contract) carry deep religious meanings that underscore the sanctity of marriage.

By keeping these traditions alive, Malaysians can honor their past, celebrate their cultural diversity, and create weddings that are both meaningful and memorable. If you’d like us to capture your Malaysian heritage through photos or videos, please drop us a message!