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Casual Portraits

Shooting Tun Mahathir’s Portraits

What an exciting assignment to be photographing our country’s former Prime Minister! I was called to photograph portraits for Tun Mahathir and his family, and other behind the scenes shots of the video crew at work. Red Communications is creating a video biography on Tun Mahathir for the History Channel, and the video will be ready some time this year (UPDATED: November 2009). The photos I have taken will be used as publicity stills and for press release. Unfortunately I cannot really post up the portraits yet until the program has gone on air. But here are a few shots of myself at the location taken by Mark, who was there with me that day. Photos were taken at Tun Mahathir’s residence. Mark was really happy to get his 21 Mega pixel photo of himself with Tun Mahathir. I told him that he could get it printed and framed as a large poster if he wanted to!!


Haha Mark caught me chimping in front of Tun Mahathir. Oops!


Here are some behind the scenes shots that I have taken.





Proof that Mark was there. :)


And lastly, since everyone was busy taking photos with Tun Mahathir at the end of the day, I became kiasu too and took a shot!
