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Unique Pre-wedding Photoshoot Locations

As the word “unique” implies, unique pre-wedding photoshoot locations may be very different for each couple. For some, it’s the first place they met. For others, it’s the place where they fell in love. For some, it may be a common area. For others, it may carry a significant meaning that the couple will treasure forever. Here are some unique pre-wedding photoshoot locations that you may or may not have thought of:

The Chateau Spa & Wellness Resort

This resort is nestled amidst a lush tropical rainforest and inspired by an 18th century “Haut Koenigsbourg” castle in Alsace, France. This location is great for those European vibes couples would like to capture in their photos, without having to leave the country!  Additionally, The Chateau Spa & Wellness Resort is located on unspoiled land and 3,000 feet above sea level, therefore it is very cool and you will be comfortable in your wedding gown or suit. We did a pre-wedding photoshoot for a newly engaged couple at this location recently and we are absolutely loving the vibes that the photos carry.

National Mosque

For Muslim couples, a mosque can hold deep cultural and religious significance. The mosque provides a beautiful backdrop for unforgettable wedding ceremonies. Taking photos at a mosque may reflect their commitment to their faith and the importance of spirituality in their relationship. Its unique modern design displays a contemporary expression of traditional Islamic ornamentation and art calligraphy.

River of Life

Some couples also like to choose a location where they first met, or a place where a momentous event happened, like a marriage proposal. While most people go to Japan for their pre-wedding photoshoot, this Japanese couple, Atsushi & Kumiko decided to have their photoshoot in the heart of Kuala Lumpur instead! The square’s vibrant urban setting offers a different kind of aesthetic compared to natural or private locations. It can highlight the couple’s love for the city and its dynamic energy.

Banjaran Hotsprings Retreat

A hotspring retreat offers a secluded and private environment, which allows couples to capture intimate and personal moments without the usual distractions of more crowded or public locations. More genuine and emotive photographs can be captured when the couple is calm and relaxed. Set against limestone hills, this location can be a reflection of a couple’s love for nature and the adventure they are about to embark on.

Genting Skyworlds Theme Park

Theme parks provide a distinctive backdrop compared to more traditional photo locations. The colorful and dynamic environment can make for memorable and visually striking photos, especially when the couple has fond memories of visiting them together. Couples can opt for a wedding gown and suit which can be an interesting contrast in a theme park. Or they can wear a more casual outfit that brings out the fun they are having in the theme park, as well as the life they are about to share with each other.

Construction Sites 

Some couples might have personal or professional connections to construction or architecture. If one or both partners work in the field or have a particular interest in it, it can be a meaningful choice for their photos. The raw and unfinished look of a construction site may symbolize growth and new beginnings, just like their journey together. It adds a modern vibe to their photos, showcasing their uniqueness as an individual and their strength as a married couple.

Peranakan Association of Melaka

Associations like these often have beautiful, historic, or artistic backdrops that can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to pre-wedding photos. The intricate details and classic ambiance create a timeless atmosphere especially when the couple is of that particular heritage. We took these photos of Noel and Celine in their Baba & Nyonya wedding outfits, after being dressed by Cedric, a sixth generation Malaccan Baba.

Random Back Lanes

Choosing a random back lane allows for creative freedom and non-traditional photo compositions. The contrast between the raw, unpolished surroundings and the couple’s attire can make for visually compelling and memorable images. The less polished environment can symbolize the journey of a marriage —embracing the beauty in the imperfections.

We hope these locations inspire you to get out of your usual impression that pre-wedding photo shoots can only be done at nicely polished and fancy locations such as the Twin Towers. These ideas can also be an inspiration for your next photo shoot, whether it is for you and your spouse, or even your extended family. The possibilities are endless! 

If you’d like us to capture your pre-wedding session through photos or videos, please drop us a message. Or if you need more convincing on “Why You Should Have a Pre-wedding Photoshoot”, you can read more here.

Why You Should Have a Pre-wedding Photoshoot

It’s a bit ironic that I’m writing this article because I didn’t have a pre-wedding shoot. With the benefit of hindsight, I do wish I had more information on the matter and had given the decision more thought. So if you are like me and on the fence of whether you wish to have a pre-wedding shoot, here are 5 reasons to help you decide.

1. Allows you to have more time on your wedding day 

You may wonder about the point of a pre-wedding shoot given that you will be having photographs at your wedding day happening in just a few months time. A wedding can be a very demanding and stressful affair. While we will definitely set aside some time to take some couple portraits for you on your actual wedding day, between the ceremony, family photo sessions and guest arrivals, you might not have as much time available to dedicate to your own photos. If you had pre-wedding photos taken, you could relax knowing that couple photos are the last thing on your mind during this already hectic day. Instead, you could spend the day fully immersed in celebrations, enjoying your meal and spending quality time with loved ones. 

2. Wedding day trial run 

You want your wedding photos to showcase you at your best while still having you be relaxed and natural.  Pre-wedding portraits will allow you some time to get used to being in front of the camera. You can practice your poses and reviewing your photos can also help you prepare better for the big day. You can even use your pre-wedding session to test hair and makeup. Knowing ahead of time what suits you best will allow you to feel more at ease on your wedding day. 

3. Get to know your photographer 

A pre-wedding session is also a great opportunity to get to know your wedding photographer better and get familiar with how they interact and collaborate with you. Additionally, it helps the photographer learn more about you two as a couple. For instance, are you both naturally tactile? Do you prefer more direction in posing? Having this opportunity to know one another and develop a bond can make you feel more comfortable around your photographer and confident that the photographer will be able to deliver you at your best. 

4. Variety of locations and styles 

On your wedding day, time constraints and logistics can limit photo opportunities. A pre-wedding photoshoot on the other hand, offers more flexibility and you have options to choose for diverse locations and as well as outfits. For example, you may like to take pictures at sunrise or sunset, this can’t be controlled (as much) on your wedding day but it can be planned for during a pre-wedding session. 

A pre-wedding photoshoot can also allow you to be as creative as you want. We have even photographed a pre-wedding session in a grocery store! Maybe you want a casual photoshoot or maybe you want to go glamorous with multiple wedding gowns in different styles. It’s a once in a lifetime occasion, so go all out! 

5. Tell Your Love Story 

A wedding (especially in Asia) can sometimes be a bit of an extended family event. A lot of the wedding planning revolves around creating a great experience for your guests. On the other hand, your pre-wedding session will be exclusively to celebrate you as a couple. You can use this photoshoot to tell your unique love story – perhaps engage in an activity you both enjoy or choose a location that is meaningful to the both of you. You can even take it one step further by adding on a pre-wedding video. A video will really capture all the emotions in the lead up to the big day and will be something you watch and reminisce on in the future. 

So there you have it! I hope this list has helped open your mind to the benefits of a pre-wedding session. A bonus from doing the pre-wedding shoot is of course the beautiful, professional pictures that you can use for your save-the-date announcement or to decorate the reception. 

If this article has convinced you to have your own pre-wedding shoot, get in touch with us! Do also check out our current promotion with That White Dress for gown rentals starting from as low as RM650. 

St Regis Kuala Lumpur & Dato’ Sri Bernard Chandran: Weddings Redefined

We were honoured to be invited as a wedding vendor to The St Regis Kuala Lumpur’s Weddings Redefined event recently. We had booths next to big names such as The Photoz, Manggis Production, Reeka Temor, and Kayangan Gallery. We were stunned with the decorations done by the St Regis wedding team, their unique 270 degree video mapping screen spanning almost the entire ballroom, and of course, the exquisite bridal collection by Dato’ Sri Bernard Chandran. Whether you are the whimsical type, a lover of all things vintage, or a contemporary bride that shuns white, you can find it here in his first bridal collection.

The ballroom was transformed into a fashion show runway. Below, a photo with our studio manager, Yu Ming at our humble little booth.

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The Perfect Fit: The Wedding of Richard & Melissa, Tirtha Uluwatu, Bali

20151220_WEDDING_RICHARD_MELISSA_0006Richard and Melissa’s story is one filled with God moments, revealing His goodness in their lives. Before 2015, Richard & Melissa’s lives were worlds apart; to be exact 767 km apart! Richard was working in Indonesia managing a plantation company in South Sumatra. While Melissa’s world revolved around the newsroom as a journalist and news anchor in Malaysia. The likelihood of their paths crossing was almost zero.

However, 1st January 2015 was a turning point for both Richard & Melissa. Their mutual friend Charles Mohan was led to arrange a coffee session for them. He had a hunch that they would grow beyond acquaintances and eventually their interactions would develop into something special.

At the point when both of them met, Richard was ready to date again after coming to terms with the death of his late wife who battled with cancer. While Ryan, his three year old bounced back to his usual cheerful self. God’s timing is perfect and led them to meet in a season when both of their hearts were ready. For Melissa, she had ‘almost’ given up on meeting potential partners, somehow never finding the person who was the right ‘fit’. But in her heart, she longed to meet someone whom she could spend the rest of her life with.

20151220_WEDDING_RICHARD_MELISSA_0761Little did they know, Charles had gone to church that morning and asked his priest to pray for his two friends whom he was bringing together to meet that afternoon.

And yes, Charles was absolutely right! The supposedly ‘just a short coffee session’ at Dome Café, Bangsar Shopping Centre turned out to be a 9 hour long conversation that only ended because the mall was closing. The time spent was interesting & heartfelt—and of course; leaving a tug on their heartstrings.

Richard & Melissa got to know each other over the next few days before he left for Indonesia, and Melissa for a mission trip. The time spent together was short but God was speaking to the core of their hearts. The Lord had also sent individuals at the right place & time to speak to them about being open to explore this potential relationship.

The rest, as they say is history, or rather His-tory! Throughout their growing relationship, the Lord’s blessings, favor and intervention in their relationship has been obvious and deliberate.

Both their prayers were answered. God met them at their place of need and helped them discover each other. It was the perfect fit.

View their wedding ceremony photos in the slideshow below, taken at Tirtha Uluwatu and Tirtha Luhur, Bali. Congratulations, Richard and Melissa!

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