Photographer: Grace, assisted by Alex
Videographer: Net Productions
Years ago, Ann was told to chase after Jamie. Literally. On the soccer field. She had never really played soccer before, so she didn’t really know what to do. Ann was told to just follow after Jamie and run after him. The fun never stopped. After many encounters and long chats, Jamie finally asked Ann over MSN whether she thought there could be more between them than just friendship. Ann, being the creative person that she is, decided not to give him a direct answer there and then. She was in Melbourne then and Jamie in Brisbane, so Ann decided to answer him by baking cookies.
Yes, cookies.
In the shape of letters.
And even then, it wasn’t a straightforward answer. Jamie had to unscramble the letters to make a sentence. But when the cookies arrived in Brisbane via post, some letters were broken, so he had a really hard time making out the words. Jamie was breaking out in cold sweat as he tried to make sense of the words. “Stupid”? It was just too difficult.
Eventually, Ann sent him a photo of the cookies with what it was supposed to say…
“Yes I’d love to”

Ann styled the shoot and brought all these props that you see in the following images. She had sourced for them in Melbourne, and it traveled all the way to Gold Coast for our shoot! All I did was choose the best location for the shoot, direct & pose them, and take the images. :)

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