Ever since I started shooting portraits professionally about 2 years ago, I never really did take any proper family photos of my own. It’s kind of strange. A lot of photographers tell me that they have thousands of images of other people, but very few of their own. One professional photographer who has been in the business for more than 10 years told me… “I don’t really have images of my children taken with my DSLR. Most were taken with a compact camera. After a shoot, I don’t feel like carrying a huge camera during family events.”
I feel the same way. During events with friends or family, I don’t usually bring my DSLR. I just want to spend time talking to people and connecting with them. On top of that, I don’t even own a compact camera. It’s either the iPhone or Canon 5D Mark 2.
Recently, my aunt and uncle who lives in Melbourne came back to Malaysia. During this trip, my 2 aunts from Malacca came up to KL as well. And so, rather randomly, I suggested we do a photo shoot together. And amazingly, everyone agreed! This shoot felt really significant to me. It’s true. Taking photos as a family brings you together.
My dad is already 77. He has Alzheimer’s which has no cure. There aren’t that many years left where we can be together as a family, having such an opportunity like this.
It’s worth it.
My family, minus my brother Raymond. Just in case you’re wondering who shot our portraits… well, it was a combination of myself, Alex and Shu Wan. :) Oh, and we didn’t try to colour coordinate. It was by coincidence that my mom, dad and I chose to wear red.
My dad and his two sisters.
On the right, my aunt and uncle from Melbourne.
I told my dad to smile, and he did this…
And then I told him to kiss my mom, never expecting it to really happen… He was a little shy. :)
My parent’s amazing maid, Parmi, who is super duper reliable and loves my family as her own.
My sister Lina and myself, and of course, my husband Alex!
One more for the road…
Hehe, kinda cheesy but cute.
Finally, tapao-ing my sister’s shoe bench back into the car.