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Musings: A Lifelong Covenant

It’s one of our goals this year to make the Wedding Story blog more interesting to readers. Of course there’ll always be postings of videos and photos of our work but we want to do more than that. One of the ideas we have is to share more from our lives, so that you get to know the people behind Wedding Story. We love to get personal with our clients, so we do hope that our posts will help you get to know us better!

It’s been about a year now since I ventured into weddings professionally. And about close to 3 years since I became a wife. I thought that over time, I’d like to share little musings and tips that I’ve learnt over the years, not just as a wedding professional, but also as a previous bride who planned her own wedding with the help of friends & family, and also as a wife, and perhaps in the future, as a mother (doesn’t mean I’m pregnant now ok!).

Most the things I’ll be sharing, I’ve learnt through experience or from another friend’s experience.


Lately, I’ve seen a number of friends getting married and some getting engaged. It must be every little girl’s dream as they grow up to be a bride one day, to wear that lovely white dress and walk down that aisle. A friend asked me today, “How’s married life, coming to 3 years now?”. I haven’t seen him in a while, and though I wanted to exclaim, “I love it!” I thought to myself, “Would he really take me seriously?”

You see, to him, after being married for 24 years now, with 2 kids approaching adulthood, marriage is something that has declined to a state of existence. I’ve seen many people who started out with tears in their eyes, filled with romance, only to walk separate ways with a different set of tears 2 years down the road. A photographer friend shared with me once too that before she could deliver the wedding photos, this client of hers has anulled the marriage (after 6 weeks).

Marriage is something that can bring so much joy and yet to some, it also means heartache and loneliness. When I said my vows to Alex 3 years ago, I knew that this would be for life. I know that realistically, life is not a bed full of roses. But saying those vows meant that I made a commitment for life. When I got married, our pastor said that we are making a covenant, not a contract. A contract can be broken by any party whenever they find something disatisfactory, but a covenant is an oath. It’s something that I have promised to keep for life, between myself, Alex and God.

It gives me security to know that Alex has the same views towards marriage as well. That no matter how difficult times get, we would work things out and live life with no regrets. Saying I’m sorry could be one of the hardest things to do, but it could be the key to saving our marriage in the future.

Mark & Mun Tzin’s Engagement

It’s really so exciting whenever I hear proposal plans, and even more so when you are involved in it! Tonight, Alex and I had the privilege of witnessing Mark’s proposal to Mun Tzin at House & Co in Bangsar Shopping Centre. Mark is one of Wedding Story’s key photographers and an extremely good friend of ours. For weeks, we discussed proposal ideas and thought of what to do to make the proposal exciting.

Mark even thought of proposing during the recent ShootFest! But in the end, he decided to do it in the company of his closest friends. The idea was that Mark, Mun Tzin, Alex and I were supposed to be filming and photographing another couple’s proposal. The couple (Boon Keat & Melody) are close friends of Mark’s, and he had convinced Mun Tzin that Wedding Story was hired to cover the event. So we went to BSC today… Munz did not suspect a thing! In fact, Mark had bought a bouquet of flowers for Munz but told her that it was from Boon Keat for Melody. She even carried her own bouquet to the proposal location unsuspectingly!

As she was focusing her camera on the guy proposing, he opened this sheet of paper with the words, “Look at Mark now”… Munz was stunned! She turned to Mark, and there he was, on his knees! We got the entire proposal on video, so we’ll upload it sometime soon!

Well needless to say, she said yes!! Here are just a few photos from this momentous event tonight. This is Boon Keat, pretending to propose to Melody!


They are a really really happy couple. So happy for the both of you!




The couple Boon Keat and Melody


Just one of Munz and Mark’s funny faces.


Moving on to HD!

It’s a momentous event for Wedding Story. This year, we are making the move to offer HD video to our clients for all wedding film packages. The past few years we have been honing our skills and building our brand. In 2009, we started to expand our wings internationally and we believe that there is more to come in the future! Today, the 4 of us – Kee Sitt, Sharon Koo, Ian and myself will be flying over to Bangladesh to shoot Ali and Farhat’s wedding. Do keep in touch with our travels as we plan to blog frequently while we are there. It will be a week long celebration in the town of Chittagong. Apparently this is where the longest beach in the world is found! Wow!


The trip to get our new Panasonic AG-HMC 152 cameras is in itself an adventure. Alex and I booked our flight to Singapore on Monday, and on Tuesday evening, we flew over on Tiger Airways to Changi airport. What a coincidence as we bumped into people we knew on the flight! Chris Cheong from Berjaya Hotels and Michael Tang from Concorde were on their way to Singapore for a conference and coincidentally, they sat in front of us on the flight.



We arrived at 5.30pm on Tuesday, and took the MRT to City Hall where I met Sherine in Starbucks. She wrote to us to enquire about our services, and so we had a short consultation in Singapore that evening. The world is getting smaller!

Then Wang from Sensys came to meet us at the same Starbucks. It looked rather odd to do a transaction in the middle of a busy coffee place!



Our photo with Wang.


By 8pm we met a few friends for dinner.

And then by 10.30pm, Ian Chong came to pick us up to go over to his place to stay the night. I forgot to take a nice photo of him and his wife! :(But here are a few pictures of our new camera, fresh out of the box!




The next morning at 6am, we were already at the airport, to fly back to KL. And what a coincidence, we bumped into another friend Jerrica who was on the same flight! I was also supposed to meet her for a consultation this week in KL. What an exciting 14 hours.

A new addition to the family: The 5D Mark2

About 2 weeks ago, I celebrated my 30th birthday. Wow, I feel really old now! My cousin told me that 30 is the new 20, but I know that it’s not entirely true! The occasional backaches I get proves it wrong! Haha.. Well, I had a little party at my sister’s home to celebrate the dawn of a new era. It was nice and personal, with close friends attending the party. Towards the end of the night, I opened all the lovely presents that were given to me, and what a surprise I got when Alex presented me with a 5D Mark 2 in a Nikon coolpix box! :)





Alex says I have been hounding him for the new 5D for the past few weeks. Eat sleep, talk 5DM2. Do I really do that? *bats eyelashes*. Well I must say that I have an awesome husband, not just for getting the camera, but in everything he does. He is so supportive of me in everything, especially in my business, providing emotional and mental support all the time. I would not be where I am if it weren’t for him.

In Wedding Story, we have a few camps… the Nikon vs Canon camp. :) Not everyone uses the same system, and though it would probably save us a lot of money when we share equipment, it doesn’t really matter at the end of the day. What matters are the shots that come out and the final look of it. Looking forward to all the shoots coming up soon!

New Creative Ideas for Wedding Cards

Kelvin and Cathryn are 2 really creative people. Kelvin is a talented musician and heads One Accord Sdn Bhd as the 1a.m. director. 1a.m has come up with a few albums and their style of music is contemporary and fun with meaningful lyrics. Cathryn is a pastor at Eagle Point Covenant Fellowship (ECF). In quite a number of weddings, I have seen Pastor Cat officiating the wedding, or saying grace before meals. But this time, it’s her turn to be married, and walk down the aisle! So Wedding Story is really excited to be a part of such a special wedding this 14th of March 09. We will be filming and photographing this momentous occasion.

It comes with no surprise then, having 2 such creative people come up with an equally interesting wedding invite! Their wedding theme is about God’s grace, and the invite resembles a movie poster.

Photo credit: Benjamin Foong, Direction: Kareem Koh

As it says on the card (the pic is a bit small):
On the outside, it looks like things are falling apart. On the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without His unfolding grace.

We will be doing a special interview with them soon to incorporate their life story into their wedding video. We love new creative ideas! If you are an engaged couple, come talk to us about your ideas and we are excited to turn it into a reality. Don’t just settle for the normal ways of doing things. Why not create an entire movie campaign for your wedding? Want to create a poster like this? Let’s talk about it!