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7 Years and Going Strong…

I was woken up this morning by a whatsapp message from my father-in-law – “Wishing u both Happy Anniversary today. Have a memorable day of reflection of all the happy events gone by n look forward to many years of happiness ahead. Leave Krysta with us n go enjoy the evening.”

Instinctively, I looked at the date on my phone… was it really August the 12th? I had forgotten completely about our wedding anniversary. I even had to take a few seconds to calculate how many years we’ve been married.

Uh oh… it’s started! The years of being together, always having the other person there, and never really stopping to think about celebrating special events. 

I never used to think much about celebrating events like Valentine’s Day or Wedding Anniversaries. But today, a thought flashed through my head, “Perhaps it’s there to remind us to never take the other person for granted. Ever.”

So today, I am grateful for our 7 years of marriage.

I am thankful that I have a wonderful husband who supports me emotionally through all my ups and downs (especially dealing with my worry-wart nature).

I am grateful that he always makes an effort to work on our relationship, especially during the days when we irritate each other so much.

I am amazed at how he loves my family through his actions… by going out of his way to fix my sister’s audio-visual system in her home or changing my dad’s diapers when it’s needed.

I am proud that he is a wonderful son to his own family, making special effort to bring every member of his family out on personal ‘dates’ so he can spend time with them intentionally.

My heart swells when I see him love Krysta with all his heart, how he would uncomplainingly wake up in the middle of the night when she cries, how he makes her giggle during playtime, and how he carries her through all our travels, sometimes for hours in his arms.

I am blessed.


Taken during a recent family holiday in Cameron Highlands. 

Lush Love: James & Rachel’s Pre-wedding

His first few lines to her was… “Could I loan a book from you?” They were students in TAR College… young, naive and open to love and adventure. One book opened the door to a series of meet ups, and soon, college life, became… well, shall I say… a lot more interesting to James and Rachel.

In reminiscence of their many hours together in college, James and Rachel decided to photograph their pre-wedding there. Wandering the corridors, visiting their usual haunts… it brought back many fond memories for the both of them.


As a contrast, we also shot at Sekeping Tenggiri. I love how the location is transformed into a magical forest in the shot below, taken by Weiming.


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Tears and Giggles: Danny, Tanya, Dylan and Jamie

It happens at every family photo shoot that involves babies and toddlers. The crying, I mean. And the chuckles. With kids, everything is so unpredictable. One moment, they are laughing, and the next, they are bawling their eyes out, as if you’ve just handed them a life-long sentence of “no playgrounds till you smile at the camera!”. It’s normal. Really.

So parents, don’t get flustered when your kids are crying and refusing to smile at the camera. At the end of the day, we’re there to have fun, play some games and photograph moments as a family. When you’re stressed, the kids sense it and they will be even more unlikely to suddenly break out into a smile.

So, if you’re expecting smiley photos at our shoots, well… it takes hard work to get there… but in the process, we go through ups and downs. After our one hour together, you might even have shed a few pounds!

Tanya and Danny, the both of you are troopers! Though Dylan and Jamie had their moments, everything went well in the end! I look forward to more shoots in the future with your family!



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The First & Last Dance of a Dying Man with his Daughter

He was dying. She loved her Dad more than anything. All she ever dreamt of was to dance with him during her wedding. The problem? She hadn’t found a groom yet.

This heartwarming story tells of an ingenious plan that was devised by Rachel Wolf so that she could fulfil her dream ahead of time, in light of the short amount of time remaining she had with her cancer-afflicted father.

Grab some kleenex and read on…

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From tears to laughter: Philip & Su Lin

The best weddings are those that cause you to either burst into tears or hysterical laughter. Just the energy of the day is enough to turn any sleep-deprived bride into one that is running purely on adrenaline. I love weddings like these. Weddings that exude so much joy and feeling, it makes me smile like a silly girl behind her camera. I loved Philip and Su Lin’s wedding because it just made me feel so alive (despite that silly flu I was suffering from!).


From the word go, everything went beautifully. Philip and Su Lin, you are so loved by your friends and family. I can just see it. The word fun just exudes from the relationships you share with the people around you. Thank you for being so caring and thoughtful, especially when I couldn’t shoot the dinner event because I was too ill to continue.

May you enjoy years of cherished moments together as a couple and with the people that mean the most to you in life.



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