Kelvin and Cathryn are 2 really creative people. Kelvin is a talented musician and heads One Accord Sdn Bhd as the 1a.m. director. 1a.m has come up with a few albums and their style of music is contemporary and fun with meaningful lyrics. Cathryn is a pastor at Eagle Point Covenant Fellowship (ECF). In quite a number of weddings, I have seen Pastor Cat officiating the wedding, or saying grace before meals. But this time, it’s her turn to be married, and walk down the aisle! So Wedding Story is really excited to be a part of such a special wedding this 14th of March 09. We will be filming and photographing this momentous occasion.
It comes with no surprise then, having 2 such creative people come up with an equally interesting wedding invite! Their wedding theme is about God’s grace, and the invite resembles a movie poster.
Photo credit: Benjamin Foong, Direction: Kareem Koh
As it says on the card (the pic is a bit small):
On the outside, it looks like things are falling apart. On the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without His unfolding grace.
We will be doing a special interview with them soon to incorporate their life story into their wedding video. We love new creative ideas! If you are an engaged couple, come talk to us about your ideas and we are excited to turn it into a reality. Don’t just settle for the normal ways of doing things. Why not create an entire movie campaign for your wedding? Want to create a poster like this? Let’s talk about it!