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How to Prepare for Better Profile Headshots

Very often taking some professional headshots sits low on one’s to-do list. Little do people realize that a good headshot is a powerful way to market oneself. Whether you’re a model, business owner, lawyer or a fresh graduate, a professionally taken profile picture will make you look even better on your website, LinkedIn, social media pages and brochures.

Besides choosing the right photographer who suits your style and who knows how to bring out the best in you, there are a few things you can do to ensure you get the best images. Remember, first impressions count! So, spend a little time preparing for a stress-free session. You won’t regret it.

1. Hair and Makeup

Whether you’re male or female, a little grooming will not hurt. For makeup, start natural and only apply eyeshadow and lipstick just before the shoot. Try applying lip balm to keep lips soft. You may bring along some makeup for touch ups, plus a hairbrush and hair products to tame any unruly hair before the shoot. For men, shave right before you leave for the shoot so you’ll have that clean-cut look.

If you can afford it, hire a makeup artist so that your makeup and hair will be professionally coifed for that perfect headshot! Continue Reading

Portraits of a Violinist: Tsze Yenn

She started playing the violin at a tender young age of 6. At the age of 13, she was awarded a scholarship to study at Chetham’s School of Music, where she blossomed over the 6 years she was there. Naturally, she moved on to complete her Masters Degree at the Royal Academy of Music and has continued to perform until today. We were honoured to photograph her publicity portraits – Tsze Yenn wanted images that were elegant and classic. Here are some of our favourite shots, photographed by Jamie.


Photographer: Jamie
Make up & Hair: Michelle Touche
Location: Stories Studio

Accidents while on shoot

I’m still traveling in India on this corporate shoot, but will be glad to return to the comforts of my own home (and a loving husband) soon. While at one of the many construction sites, the 3rd-party strap (but, but it was an uber comfortable neoprene padded one that was supposed to cushion the weight of the camera on my neck!) I was using came undone from the buckle, causing my precious 5D Mark2 to fall with a resounding thud.

I picture it in slow-motion over and over again, wondering if I could have dived in Matrix-style to save it before gravity got the better of the DSLR. What’s done is done, I guess and I’ve resolved to be very, very careful when buying camera accessories.

As a professional, I always carry a backup camera body and for good reason. I would feel a whole lot worse if I let my clients down because I was not well prepared enough. As the scouts would chant, “Be Prepared!”.

Canon, pretty, pretty please get this fixed quickly when I get back, and I hope it won’t burn too big a hole in my pocket.