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Vendor Highlight: Wishing Tree

One would agree that having floral arrangements are essential for weddings as it adds beauty and warmth. The person I know who does a good job at it would be Wishing Tree. I had the opportunity to sit down with the founder, Lily Chew to have a chat about her thoughts and insights on the designer floral business.

VendorHighlight-wishingtreeOriginally from Singapore, Lily married the love of her life in 1999, who happened to be Malaysian. Since then, she has resided in Malaysia. Through her husband’s encouragement, Wishing Tree started 3 months after she was married. She wanted to make good the time she had at hand by pursuing her passion. With their first branch in Bukit Tunku, they have now expanded many times beyond their original size. Recently, Wishing Tree moved to their new 3-storey premise in Sungai Besi. 16 years since their doors first opened, Lily’s continued passion only grew stronger and it gets better.

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