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How to Overcome Challenging Situations During a Shoot

When you book a photo or video shoot, you hope for a smooth and stress-free experience. However, unexpected challenges may arise, and it’s essential to know how to handle them effectively. As a customer, it can be overwhelming to deal with a crying child or feeling frazzled from a tough day. Here are some ways to overcome challenging situations during your shoot.

It’s Okay Not to Be Okay

It’s normal to feel a bit stressed or anxious during a photo or video shoot, especially if you have kids involved. Or, you might have been rushing into your shoot session from a hectic work day. Remember that the photographer or videographer you hired is there to help you capture beautiful moments and bring out your best version of yourself. Try to take a moment to settle yourself before going into your session and don’t feel ashamed to express your concerns and needs to your photographer or videographer. 

Bring Distractions

If you have young children, bringing along their favourite toys or games can help keep them occupied and distracted during the shoot. This can help them relax and make the shoot more enjoyable for everyone involved.

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The Special Bond Between Mothers and Their Children

The emotional bond between a mother and her child is profound. It is a connection forged through shared experiences, laughter, tears, and countless cherished moments. This Mother’s Day, we want to celebrate and appreciate all mothers and mother figures for their love, care, and significant contributions to our lives. Let’s take this day as an opportunity to express gratitude and respect for the special role mothers play in raising children and nurturing families. How about gifting them a photo session that will help honour the memories that you created together?

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Reflections on 1 Year of Motherhood

I recall writing about my journey toward parenting in one of my earliest Stories blog posts, just over a year ago. I can still remember how I was feeling back then—everything from anxiety to eagerness, but most of all, so much uncertainty. Becoming a mother is like applying for a job for which you have no experience and expecting to perform on day one. 

Fast forward one year later, and I’ve survived! There’s no denying it: motherhood is HARD, and no book you read can adequately prepare you for it. But amidst the challenges and the exhaustion, you will also experience joy, unwavering love, and the realisation that you are more capable than you realised.

Here are some personal reflections on my journey since then, as well as some things I wish I could have told myself a year ago.

1. You Will Be So, So Tired (But You’ll Get Through It!)

Everyone warns you about the sleep deprivation, and while every mother knows it’s inevitable, it’s one thing to know about it and another to experience it. In the first few months, I wondered if I would ever sleep again. There would be days when I was in a literal daze of moving in between periods of being not really awake and not really asleep. A friend told me this: “It gets better.” And it will, whether it’s your body adjusting to the lack of sleep or your baby establishing a sleep schedule. Even if it initially seems nearly impossible, a day will come when you will sleep through the night once more.

2. Everyone’s Just Winging It

It may seem like you’re the only one who’s lost in figuring out how to be a mom, but trust me, everyone else is just figuring it out as they go along as well. No one is born knowing how to parent. And while there may be guidance books and “how-to” articles, no child is the same, and you are a unique individual with your own needs and ideals. The path you will walk on this journey is something you will carve out on your own. You can learn from others, but, like with lots of things in life, you can’t fully plan for it; you just have to figure it out for yourself—as you go.

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Fun Ideas for a Family Shoot

Need ideas for a fun family shoot? Whenever we photograph kids, we think of play! That is the language of children, and the results? Casual, candid images that are authentic and fun! So the next time you plan for a family photo shoot, think of how you can incorporate play into your session. Bring some props or think of an activity that your children enjoy. It’s ok that the images are imperfect with sweat marks, what’s important is the memories that you have just created together as a family.

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