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Testimonial & Behind the Scenes: Andrew & Katrina

It’s about time we posted another behind the scenes video! If you are a regular blog visitor, you would have seen Andrew and Katrina’s photos from their 2 day pre-wedding shoot and wedding celebrations in KL and Phuket last year. I am so glad that they agreed to do a video testimonial for us after the wedding. I’ve recently started a collection of testimonials on our Facebook page, and will update our testimonial page on our website soon. On days when the going gets tough, it’s a great pick-me-up, reminding ourselves that what we do matter, and that we are on the right track.

It gives us great satisfaction knowing that we’ve made such a difference in someone’s life, capturing memories that can never be relived again except through photographs.


Videographer: Chi Yin
Photographers: Grace & Jamie
Locations: Singapore, KL and Phuket

The Wedding Photo Collection: 2015

Last year, we had the privilege of photographing many amazing couples – many of whom have ended up as friends. One of the greatest satisfactions we get as a photographer is being that connection – we help people connect with their emotions as they recall their joyous wedding occasion. So much love is present at all the weddings we have photographed – last year, we photographed all sorts of cultural weddings – from the traditional Chinese wedding to a modern beach wedding and even two middle eastern weddings.

Personally, today, I celebrate 10 years of marriage to my husband Alex Lam, who have been such an amazing pillar of support. It’s hard work to make a marriage flourish, but I thank God who helped nudge me in the right direction when I needed to change an attitude or swallow my pride at times. You can be in love with someone even more than the day you say your vows!

As you listen to the vows of all our clients, may you be touched and reminded that love is the greatest emotion of all.

Family portraits: Brian, Marina and 3 boys

Brian and Marina warned us…both their 3 and 5 year old toddlers will not sit still for the camera. We’ve been told that their son James is shy and would definitely try to hide during the shoot! With this challenge in mind, Chi Yin and I headed over to Brian and Marina’s home for their family portrait. And hide he did! But that didn’t stop us from chasing them into the playroom for photos.

We even had to stop the shoot temporarily to play with them, so that the two toddlers James and Matthew would warm up to us. Chi Yin had the difficult task of luring them out of their really fun-looking playroom. We worked hard for every single image!

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Shichi-go-san celebration for a Japanese family: Yohei & Fumiko

Yohei and Fumiko have been living in Malaysia for the past 2 years ever since they moved here from Japan. In 2014, we photographed their family for the first time, and now, it’s really lovely to see their children all grown up!

Their son Shotaro is going to be 5 years old in May and the main purpose of the shoot is to celebrate his anniversary. According to Fumiko, Shichi-go-san, which means seven, five and three, is a Japanese annual event to celebrate healthy growth and the hope of longevity for three and seven-year-old daughters, and three and five-year-old sons. So Shotaro turning 5 is a special occasion for their family and they wish to remember this moment by having nice photos taken.

What a great idea!

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Church Wedding: Jason & Wai Wai

As the lights in the auditorium glittered like stars in the sky, Jason and Wai Wai said their vows to another. He only had eyes for her, and her radiant face glowed with love. All those years of Jason surprising Wai Wai with flowers were just the start of something beautiful (he still surprises her with flowers even after marriage!). Their church wedding was held at the Luther Centre. Their navy blue theme was striking, and I love the unity cross that they used to symbolize their marriage coming together in Christ. Wishing the both of you a wonderful marriage together, may you always have that sparkle in your eye as you look at each other through the years!

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