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Embracing Malaysian Culture in Family Photography

Since it’s Malaysia Day, I was thinking about how we can incorporate Malaysian culture into our family photo sessions. My heritage as a child born into a Peranakan family in Melaka is colourful, but personally, I have not embraced much of the culture in my daily life (except to wear the kebaya and eat pong teh occasionally). My children certainly do not identify as being Peranakan.

The thing is, growing up, seeing my mom cook all her Peranakan dishes using the batu lesung, listening to my parents speak the Peranakan lingo, and being asked to pin the kerongsang on her kebaya didn’t feel like heritage. It felt like a normal, everyday part of life. I didn’t know what I had until I lost it. Of course, I never had the opportunity to document most of these everyday memories, as cameras were a luxurious item we didn’t own back then. This photo of my parents taken in front of our home in Melaka is a precious memory for me. It is not fancy, but it is meaningful.

We value the things we once took for granted as we age. I wish my parents were still alive so I could take a beautiful portrait of them in their element. If I could do it again, I would photograph my mom in her kebaya holding a bakul sia filled with her homemade pineapple tarts, which she used to make every Chinese New Year. I would create a mini-video documentary of everyday life snippets, filled with stories from yesteryear.

As a family photographer, I have photographed so many different cultures in Malaysia. Family photo shoots are more than just a moment in time—they are a celebration of history, heritage, and identity. Interestingly, as more and more inter-racial marriages take place, our cultural identity becomes even more diverse and fascinating for the next generation!

So here are some ideas on how you can infuse Malaysian family culture into your next photo shoot and create something that resonates deeply with your family’s story.

1. Cultural Dressing

Clothing is one of the easiest and most visually striking ways to incorporate culture into family photos. In Malaysia, we are blessed with beautiful cultural garments that can be beautifully showcased in a photo shoot. Whether you are wearing the baju kurung, cheongsam, saree, or any East Malaysian traditional costume, these outfits can look especially striking because most of them are rather colorful! These outfits can carry deep meaning, reflecting your family’s roots and values.

2. Locations

Malaysia’s diverse landscapes are another wonderful way to integrate cultural elements into your photos. Choosing locations that are meaningful to your family’s background or that hold cultural significance can create a profound visual story. For some of you, your family home could be a heritage site or museum on its own! You could take photos in your hometown, whether it is the city or the kampung. When making a choice, think about the significance of the locations to you. It could even be a simple location like the family swing, where you used to enjoy moments as sisters growing up.

3. Props

Props are a fantastic way to add personal and cultural touches to your family photos. Every Chinese New Year, my family would dress up for a family photo. It’s a great time to add in props like Mandarin oranges, lanterns, bakul sias, baskets, and angpaos! Other ideas could be incorporating old family photos into the current image. It’s a great way to remember how far you have come and to see how everyone has aged gracefully.

4. Extending the Shoot: Coffee Table Books and Family Videos

After your photo shoot, you can enhance the experience by crafting keepsakes that narrate your family’s story more comprehensively. You could do it with a beautifully designed coffee table book that allows you to showcase the photos in a way that tells your family’s story. You can organize the book chronologically, starting with older family members and progressing to the younger generations, or you can group photos by theme—such as family traditions, celebrations, or important milestones. This family went the extra mile in creating their coffee table book—it was a huge family project that incorporated their family tree, written stories, and scanned letters from great-grandparents!

A video is another way to capture the essence of your family’s cultural heritage. We’ve created short family films that combine video clips from the shoot with candid moments, and sometimes even interviews with family members. Imagine capturing your grandparents sharing stories about their youth or your children talking about what their heritage means to them. This turns your family photos into a living, breathing memory that you can pass down through generations.

Documenting heritage through photos and videos can be a wonderful way of passing a piece of life to the next generation. This is why we do what we do at Stories—our vision is to touch lives by building visual stories for the present and future generations. As a photographer, it’s a joy and honour to capture these moments, knowing they’ll be cherished for years to come.

Prop ideas for your maternity photo shoot

A great way of celebrating that baby bump growing inside of you is through a maternity photo session. The best time to do this is between your 30-36 week of pregnancy. You should be nice and shapely then! If you are planning for a maternity session, you should also give some thought to the props that you could bring along to make the photo shoot more fun. Props can add depth, meaning, and a touch of personality to your photos, making each session unique. Here are some creative prop ideas that can elevate your maternity photo shoots.

1. Ultrasound Photos

The ultrasound is your baby’s very first photo! This tiny glimpse into the life growing inside of you adds a personal and emotional touch to the images. It’s a great prop to also reuse in your newborn baby portrait session. It never gets old!

2. Baby Clothes

Including a favorite baby outfit or onesie in the photo shoot can add a cute and personal element. This prop is not only adorable but also creates a sense of anticipation of the future.

3. Baby Shoes

Tiny baby shoes are an adorable addition to any maternity photo shoot. You can place the shoes on the your belly, in your hands, or next to other props. It’s even more fun when you have matching shoes too!

4. Personalized Signs

Personalized signs with the baby’s name, a due date, or a meaningful quote can make a maternity photo shoot feel even more special. These signs can be simple chalkboards, wooden plaques, or even banners. Have an older sibling hold the signboard, and that can be really meaningful as well.

5. Floral Crowns and Bouquets

Flowers can add a soft touch to your session, creating a serene environment. You can opt for fresh flowers that match the season, or choose faux flowers that align with the colour scheme of the session. If you are planning on a photo shoot in a bath tub, you can also add petals into the water.

6. Books

Books are a wonderful prop that can represent the story you will share with your child. There are many personalised books options nowadays, and you can include your baby’s name in the book as well.

7. Sentimental items

You could bring along items that hold a special meaning for you. For example, this could be a piece of jewelery, your wedding bands, a family heirloom, or even your own childhood toy.

We hope this article gives you some ideas on how you can personalise your maternity photo session with props. It brings us great joy to celebrate the anticipation of a newborn. View our maternity portfolio here or contact us to schedule your maternity session!

10 Tips to Prepare Your Kids for a Photo Shoot

Preparing your kids mentally beforehand for a photo shoot may be challenging, but it is an important step. Ensuring they are comfortable, relaxed, and happy can make a significant difference in the outcome of the photos. Here are some tips to help you prepare your kids mentally prior to your photo session.

Communicate Clearly and Excitedly

Talk to your children about the photo shoot in a positive and exciting manner. Explain what will happen, why it’s happening, and how fun it will be. Use simple, age-appropriate language and focus on the enjoyable aspects, like dressing up or playing with props. By framing the photoshoot as a fun adventure, you can build their excitement and reduce any anxiety they might feel.

Involve Them in the Planning

Give your kids a sense of control by involving them in the planning process. Allow them to choose their outfits, suggest poses, or pick their favourite toys to bring along. This involvement can make them feel more invested and eager to participate. When children feel they have a say, they are more likely to be cooperative and excited for the shoot.

Practice at Home

Practice makes perfect. Conduct a few mini-photo shoots at home to help your kids get used to being in front of the camera. Let them pose, make silly faces, and see the pictures afterward. This practice can help them to get familiar with the process and make the actual photoshoot feel more familiar and less intimidating.

Keep it Relaxed and Fun

On the day of the photoshoot, maintain a relaxed and fun atmosphere. Avoid putting too much pressure on your kids to perform or behave in a certain way. Encourage them to be themselves and enjoy the experience. Sometimes the best photos are captured when children are genuinely happy, rather than forced into unnatural poses. Incorporate games and activities into the photoshoot to keep your kids engaged, with simple games like Simon Says or peek-a-boo. This strategy can help capture natural smiles and laughter.

Bring Comfort Items

Bring along some of your children’s favourite comfort items, like a beloved stuffed animal or blanket. These items can provide a sense of security and familiarity, helping them feel more at ease. Plus, these cherished items can make for some heartwarming, candid shots.

Plan Around Their Schedule

Schedule the photoshoot at a time when your kids are usually in a good mood. Avoid times when they are likely to be tired, hungry, or cranky, such as right before nap time or meals. Well-rested and well-fed children are more likely to be cooperative and happy during the shoot.

Prepare for Breaks

Be prepared to take breaks during the photo shoot. Kids have limited attention spans, and expecting them to stay focused for an extended period of time can be unrealistic. Allowing short breaks for snacks, drinks, or simply to run around can help them recharge and return to the shoot with renewed energy. That being said, don’t forget to pack their favourite snacks!

Don’t Resort to Devices

It is easy to resort to taking out your phone or tablet as a bribe when your kids start to misbehave or start to cry during the photoshoot. Although this may help stop them from misbehaving, it is only a quick fix and not a long-term solution. In fact, once the devices are given to the kids they would most likely kick up a bigger fuss if it has to be taken away later. Remember, it is impossible for a photographer to capture a good smiling photo of your child if he or she is looking down at a device, and it is not a solution that can easily be fixed later in Photoshop.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Instead of a device, use positive reinforcement to encourage good behaviour and cooperation. Praise your kids frequently, offer small rewards, or promise a fun activity after the photoshoot. Positive reinforcement can motivate children to participate enthusiastically and make the experience more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Choose a Child-Friendly Photographer

When choosing a photographer for your family shoot, do some research and select a photographer who has experience working with children. Check out the photographer’s family portrait portfolio and their online reviews beforehand. A skilled, child-friendly photographer will know how to engage with your kids, make them feel comfortable, and capture their personalities. They will also be patient and understanding of the challenges that come with photographing children.

By taking the time to incorporate these simple tips, you can help ensure that your little ones will be prepared for a positive photography experience. Just remember to set realistic expectations for yourself and your children. Understand that not every moment will be perfect, and that’s part of the charm. Embrace the imperfections and remember that the goal is to capture genuine moments and emotions, and leave the rest up to your skilled photographer. 

At Stories we have been capturing family portraits and beautiful moments for over 16 years. Do reach out if you would like to know more about how we can help you form the best photo memories with your loved ones.

Why You Should Have a Pre-wedding Photoshoot

It’s a bit ironic that I’m writing this article because I didn’t have a pre-wedding shoot. With the benefit of hindsight, I do wish I had more information on the matter and had given the decision more thought. So if you are like me and on the fence of whether you wish to have a pre-wedding shoot, here are 5 reasons to help you decide.

1. Allows you to have more time on your wedding day 

You may wonder about the point of a pre-wedding shoot given that you will be having photographs at your wedding day happening in just a few months time. A wedding can be a very demanding and stressful affair. While we will definitely set aside some time to take some couple portraits for you on your actual wedding day, between the ceremony, family photo sessions and guest arrivals, you might not have as much time available to dedicate to your own photos. If you had pre-wedding photos taken, you could relax knowing that couple photos are the last thing on your mind during this already hectic day. Instead, you could spend the day fully immersed in celebrations, enjoying your meal and spending quality time with loved ones. 

2. Wedding day trial run 

You want your wedding photos to showcase you at your best while still having you be relaxed and natural.  Pre-wedding portraits will allow you some time to get used to being in front of the camera. You can practice your poses and reviewing your photos can also help you prepare better for the big day. You can even use your pre-wedding session to test hair and makeup. Knowing ahead of time what suits you best will allow you to feel more at ease on your wedding day. 

3. Get to know your photographer 

A pre-wedding session is also a great opportunity to get to know your wedding photographer better and get familiar with how they interact and collaborate with you. Additionally, it helps the photographer learn more about you two as a couple. For instance, are you both naturally tactile? Do you prefer more direction in posing? Having this opportunity to know one another and develop a bond can make you feel more comfortable around your photographer and confident that the photographer will be able to deliver you at your best. 

4. Variety of locations and styles 

On your wedding day, time constraints and logistics can limit photo opportunities. A pre-wedding photoshoot on the other hand, offers more flexibility and you have options to choose for diverse locations and as well as outfits. For example, you may like to take pictures at sunrise or sunset, this can’t be controlled (as much) on your wedding day but it can be planned for during a pre-wedding session. 

A pre-wedding photoshoot can also allow you to be as creative as you want. We have even photographed a pre-wedding session in a grocery store! Maybe you want a casual photoshoot or maybe you want to go glamorous with multiple wedding gowns in different styles. It’s a once in a lifetime occasion, so go all out! 

5. Tell Your Love Story 

A wedding (especially in Asia) can sometimes be a bit of an extended family event. A lot of the wedding planning revolves around creating a great experience for your guests. On the other hand, your pre-wedding session will be exclusively to celebrate you as a couple. You can use this photoshoot to tell your unique love story – perhaps engage in an activity you both enjoy or choose a location that is meaningful to the both of you. You can even take it one step further by adding on a pre-wedding video. A video will really capture all the emotions in the lead up to the big day and will be something you watch and reminisce on in the future. 

So there you have it! I hope this list has helped open your mind to the benefits of a pre-wedding session. A bonus from doing the pre-wedding shoot is of course the beautiful, professional pictures that you can use for your save-the-date announcement or to decorate the reception. 

If this article has convinced you to have your own pre-wedding shoot, get in touch with us! Do also check out our current promotion with That White Dress for gown rentals starting from as low as RM650. 

Fun Ideas for a Family Shoot

Need ideas for a fun family shoot? Whenever we photograph kids, we think of play! That is the language of children, and the results? Casual, candid images that are authentic and fun! So the next time you plan for a family photo shoot, think of how you can incorporate play into your session. Bring some props or think of an activity that your children enjoy. It’s ok that the images are imperfect with sweat marks, what’s important is the memories that you have just created together as a family.

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