It was a case of love at first sight.
It felt almost like a fairy tale, except this story came true. Christopher had traveled all the way from UK to Malaysia, for his brother Robert’s wedding in early 2011. Incidentally, Robert was marrying one of Anusha’s girlfriends. About a week before the wedding, everyone went out for a party, and it was there that Chris met Anusha for the first time. At that moment, they clicked instantly and chatted for a long time… and they were both smitten. It happened out of nowhere, yet it felt so right.
The next few days, Anusha brought Chris around KL sightseeing and even met his parents for dinner within the short 2 days that they got to know each other. By the time they left for Langkawi, they were practically inseparable and started to really fall for each other…
“We were totally oblivious to our surroundings… What was even more romantic, was that he told me during dinner what he’d wear one day when he got married and that he could imagine me in a white dress and that I’d be really beautiful. It was all so genuine and real. Even my friends were noticing that this was more than just a holiday romance. It was something really serious, especially for a couple who had just met.” – Anusha –

Soon, realization set in that Chris was due back in England in a couple of days. They had a serious conversation about their relationship and mutually decided that they were going to do what it takes to make this relationship work. That was the start of a heartbreaking long distance relationship (not to mention expensive!). But thank God for technology, they could also date via Skype, whatsapp, viber… and what was amazing that the distance did not break them apart, but brought them even closer to one another.
Chris started making plans to move to Malaysia, but he didn’t have a job… yet. He googled for potential expat jobs in Malaysia and Anusha was scrutinizing countless recruitment websites and newspapers. Some time in June 2011, Chris heard from a local international school who wanted to give him a phone interview as a design and technology teacher. Within 2 weeks, he got the job, and he would have to start work in Malaysia by August!
However, Chris had to pack up his 27 years of UK life, all the way from North Yorkshire, into a suitcase and move to a totally foreign country, to the hustle and bustle of PJ!
“We had no doubts, no fears… just excitement of being together and starting a life. I sourced for potential accommodation for us (made sure it was near a gym, supermarket, etc so that it would be accessible for him) and helped him make the move. It was not easy, initially leaving everything he has been used to in the UK… the lifestyle, his flourishing DJ-ing and music career, his parents and family members, his best friends, the food (he still can’t take nasi lemak!), the weather, the culture… but I can honestly say that going through this journey together has brought us a lot closer. And I too, was willing to give up my time and effort to make sure that he was truly happy and settled here in Malaysia.
On Sept 28th, my 27th birthday, much to my surprise and happiness, he proposed to me and of course I said yes! I had no idea it was going to come this soon, but it felt sooooo right and we were ecstatic!” – Anusha –

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