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Sam & Caryn’s Garden Wedding

Sam & Caryn exude a warmth that makes it hard not to like them. Even from the moment I got to know them, they treated me like an old time friend. Caryn loves to laugh, and she has an amazing smile. They have such attention to detail, I love every bit of the deco they created for their wedding! Mark was so awed by the beauty of their garden wedding that he told me, “I’m seriously considering a garden wedding now!” It was a pleasure photographing their wedding.



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Look at their deco! Everything was so well thought out.


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A Sikh Wedding Experience

As promised, more photos from the Sikh wedding shoot. From 3000 photos shot over 3 days, it’s really hard to pick only a handful to showcase on the blog. So we’ve created a slideshow for you to view, which is right at the bottom of this post. I love this shot of Raj & Charan, there’s so much drama to it.


They can pass as movie stars! These 2 photos below were taken by Mark.

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Leaving her family to join Raj’s family.


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Amy + Stu Wedding Highlight, Langkawi

Recently I blogged about Amy and Stu’s wedding in Andaman Resort, Langkawi. It’s one thing to view still images, but quite another to hear the sounds of laughter and heart-felt vows being uttered to one another. Filmed by Kee Sitt and edited by Nigel. Enjoy!

[flv:stu_amy_highlights.flv amy-stuvid.jpg 700 393]

Albert & Michelle, Garden Wedding at Cyberview Lodge, Part2

In any outdoor wedding, there is some sort of anxiety about how the weather will turn out. Will it rain? Will it be too hot? Will there be a breeze? But for Albert & Michelle’s wedding, it was just… perfect. The sun was up, but it wasn’t scorching. Makes for lovely light!


The theme was purple, white and silver.


I love the way these rose petals sat in Albert & Michelle’s wedding invite.




Albert sang as Michelle walked down the aisle. So lovely!


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