BTS of Stanley & Natalie’s live streamed wedding, Luther Centre Petaling Jaya.
2020 was the year our services at Stories naturally progressed to include live streaming as well. As one of the photo curators for our blog, I now see more images of family members holding devices with their loved ones on screen during group photos and such. Technology has definitely become the only bridge for many of us who have friends and family across the globe.
However, experiencing what it’s like to be a virtual guest at my brother’s wedding made me really appreciate the wonders of hybrid events! The livestream was casually set up by someone else using Zoom in this case, but it still made me see how a wedding like this involves more than just cool technology. It takes thoughtfulness, attention to detail, and everyone to play their role.
Here’s what I learned about the art of live streamed weddings, as a virtual wedding guest.
1. Different camera angles make all the difference
The couple had made the effort to provide two camera angles for us virtual guests to enjoy. One was placed at the aisle, so we could get a close up of their expressions as they made their vows. What an honour! The other was at the corner, giving us a wider view of the whole stage and the first row of guests who were physically present. It was nice to see the crowd’s reaction even from behind. It felt “like the real thing”.
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