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Vintage Chic Maternity Portraits: Diana

Darryl and Diana tied the knot a few years ago and had Kate shortly after, but they didn’t get a chance to take maternity or newborn photos then as she was born premature and sent to the ICU. But look at how she has grown! She will be receiving a baby sister soon, and I can’t wait to meet her as well during our newborn session. During our session together, I was warned that Kate may not take too easily to strangers, but thank God she liked my smiley face. :) I love how this set of images turned out.

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Casual Family Portraits: Kar Lim & family

We just dug this out of our archives and realised it’s too good a set to miss out! When you have a family as good looking as the Ng family, you just have to share the photos. When people enquire if they can include their extended family into their photo session, we always say yes! It’s a great way to connect across generations as the family gets together for a fun activity. We have fit up to 22 people in our studio before. Phew, it was challenging posing and lighting everyone, but we did it!

If you would like to have your extended family portraits taken in our studio, do contact us!

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Newborn family portraits: Nate

There is something beautiful about seeing a newborn nestling comfortably in his mother’s arms. Or how tiny his fingers look compared to yours. Oh how a child changes everything in your life! Definitely a milestone to remember. Nate was an easy baby to photograph… most of the time, he just slept and was oblivious to me clicking away! He must have gotten his easy going personality from his parents Owen and Ida. At the end of the session, we managed to even change him into a pilot’s outfit, suitable for a pilot’s son! That was just too adorable.

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Fugee School Documentary Videos

At the end of 2016, 4 of us from the Stories team made a special visit to Fugee School, an education hub for refugee kids in Kuala Lumpur. It was a time of getting away from our usual work to do other socially responsible photography and video related projects. In a way, it was something similar to what we did in Kelantan some years back with the flood victims. I met with Deborah Henry, co-founder of the school, to run through some ideas on what we could do for Fugee School, and we narrowed down our focus to a documentary style approach that would give some insight into these families and their life here in Malaysia.

We were blessed to have met two students, Yusra and Hafsa. Listen to their heartwarming stories in the video below, and support amazing organizations like Fugee School who work to make a difference to these children.


Yusra’s Story
Photographed & filmed by Jamie & Chi Yin
Edited by Chi Yin
Creative direction by Grace

Hafsa & Hasan’s Story
Photographed & filmed by Grace & Jennifer
Edited by Chi Yin
Creative direction by Grace

A Proposal and a horse carriage: Arthur & Luisa

Arthur and Luisa traveled from Florida, USA to Malaysia for a short holiday recently. But it wasn’t just a normal holiday. Arthur had planned to propose to Luisa here, and even arranged for a horse carriage at the Palace of the Golden Horses, Kuala Lumpur. He told her that they were going to do a fun pre-wedding photo shoot together and she bought it. We arranged the styling, gown and even flowers that adorned their room. It was a great session together and we had heaps of fun! Thank you for allowing us the privilege of being part of this amazing day. I hope to meet you again soon, perhaps in September in New York City when I get there!

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