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The Final Goodbye

28th June 2011. That was the date we said our final goodbyes.

Goodbye to the place I called home when I was a child. The place where I learnt to ride my bicycle, play fashion stylist to all my 9 Barbies, reluctantly helped my mom bake her pineapple tarts so she could sell them for Chinese New Year and also the place where I tried to cram my head full of info for my SPM exam.

It’s never easy to say goodbye, but in life, you have to move on.

While I discovered my treasure trove of Barbie dolls with clothes that have been lovingly hand stitched by my mom from scrap pieces of cloth…

My sister discovered some old pots that she decided was worth keeping. And my uncle from Brisbane discovered his old copper art piece that he created years ago.

We also discovered my brother’s old teddy bear that my sister claimed was bought by my dad when he was in London years ago (like 40 years ago or so!). And my dad’s beloved chess set. He was the President of the Malacca chess club in the 80s.

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A Journey Through Pregnancy and Beyond

Pitter Patter, one of our clients, is organizing a special event for women. Whether you are planning on getting pregnant, are currently pregnant or already a mother with children over 1 year in age… there are talks to cater to your needs. Registration is only RM10, and you’ll get so much value for money!

The best part is, Stories will be there! Come visit our booth on that day, and sign up for a discounted lifestyle portrait session with us. We’ll be excited to meet you to discuss any photo shoot ideas you may have.

If you’d like to register for this event, or find out more about it, please email [email protected] or contact Veron at 0123288368. See you there!


SOLD: The family home

For those of you who have been following this blog, you’ll know that my parents made the move to KL in 2009 to live with my sister and I. Since then, we’ve been clearing up old stuff and trying to transport as many nostalgic things as possible to KL. After procrastinating for such a long time, we decided the time has finally come for us to sell the house. Today, we signed the S&P agreement.

As my mom sat in her kitchen (possibly the last time), I felt a little sad to hear her asking for things like her oven to be brought up to KL. She said that the glasses in the cupboard are really good and I should keep it. Those glasses from the 60s with floral patterns and which were only used during Chinese New Year.

Reality is, we can’t move everything with us. That’s life. We accumulate material items in our lifetime, only to die and leave them all behind. What’s left are memories.

My sister discovered some stray albums that we missed in our previous trip back.

My sister’s and brother’s car collection. Should this go on eBay?

My little Lego looking set that I had since I was a baby (according to my sis).

My parents outside our home. My dad is still oblivious as to what is happening.

Next trip would be to pack some larger items into the lorry for us to transport up to KL. Then, it’s the final farewell.

Family Portraits: Andrew & Shih Nei

Family Portrait Tip: If you are planning to do a shoot at 8am in the morning, especially if it involves slightly grumpy young kids who are still groggy from sleep… do remember to bring some props and think of some games to play.

That’s what we did for Andrew and Shih Nei’s family portrait shoot. From a non-smiley face, the kids were smiling and having fun within 5 minutes. Whenever I shoot a family portrait, the parents usually tell me before the shoot, “I hope my children will behave”. With children, you never really know what will happen during a shoot, so I usually tell them, “Relax, don’t worry, we’ll have fun, and let’s see what happens.” Forcing a child to smile at the camera when he/she is not in the mood may not yield good results!

Andrew & Shih Nei, I hope you like these photos of your family having a good time!

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Portraits with Asther

It was years ago on a beach in Tioman Island when I first got to know Asther and her boyfriend Francis. Back then, she was a dive instructor and Alex was going through his advanced dive course. Francis and Asther were fun to be with, completely humble people and really easy going. When they got married in 2007, I photographed their wedding in Kuching. I had just ventured into wedding photography back then and they were one of my earliest clients. A memory I can’t forget from that their wedding was how Francis and his heng tais were forced to eat live and fat, squiggly sago worms before he could be granted access to her room.

Now, Asther has expanded her portfolio and job scope; she is a mother and established photographer in Malaysia. She recently contacted me to photograph some profile shots of her and her daughter Haley.

Asther, thanks for the years of friendship… I am so happy to see that your business is doing so well. You are one super talented woman. Catch up with you again soon!

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