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Newborn Portraits: Vinod, Pamela and Rahul

Johan and Mark photographed Vinod and Pamela’s beautiful outdoor wedding at the Royale Chulan in 2012, and ever since then, they have gone productive and produced a lovely baby boy named Rahul. I was privileged to photograph Rahul’s newborn photos at their home. I love seeing our couples grow into little families like this. If possible, I’d like to be there at key moments of their lives, seeing the family grow through the years. What a joy it is to see them happy!

Congratulations, Vinod and Pamela… I am sure Rahul will bring many sleepless nights, but it is oh, so worth it.



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Newborn Twins: Akash & Isha

It was a huge milestone in her life. She turned 40, was pregnant with twins and about to embark on the wonderful journey called parenthood. When Akash and Isha were born, Li-Hsian left her high-flying job in corporate communications to be a full-time mum. I personally think a full-time mum’s role is even more challenging than any corporate job out there! (especially when you have twins!). Li-Hsian now writes for this really cool online mother’s portal for urban Malaysian mothers called Makchic. Here’s one of her articles on how to survive breastfeeding twins!

I was privileged to record two very important moments in Li-Hsian’s journey of life… her maternity images and family photos after the twins were born. They are now about 3 months old and are developing really well (I love how they’ve filled up with chubby cheeks!). Li-Hsian and Srihari, thank you for sharing your life with me. I hope we’ll be able to do more photos with the twins when they are a little older!


Isha and Akash about a week after they were born. Babies change so quickly, it’s so easy to forget how they looked like when they were born. Akash says, “What’s up, sistah!”


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Newborn: Julia

Since I am heading off for a newborn portrait shoot soon, I thought I’d share a few from another session I did some time back. I met Joanne and Anderson at our Stories booth in a Pitter Patter event and within a few minutes of chatting with them, they booked our services. I had the pleasure of getting acquainted with their son Joshua too… he’s super adorable (and talented too… he can play the guitar and drums at such a young age!).

Here are some of my favourites from their session.

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