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Cliff Mautner’s Plus Class at WPPI 2010

During the WPPI 2010 conference, (Wedding & Portrait Photographers International), I signed up for an additional Plus class with Cliff Mautner. 2 full days with Cliff and 20+ other photographers equates a really inspiring session.

Photography is all about light. Cliff shared with us about the direction of light, and how the quality of light is more important than the quantity of light. He challenges us to quit running for the open shade! Cliff’s style of shooting against the harsh sunlight definitely has more character than soft lighting.

But at the end of the day, his perspective is that great moments are more important than great lighting.

Cliff shared with us a quote by Jay Maisel, “Take a look at what you’re looking at”.

And another… (i can’t remember whose quote this is)…
“What use is having great depth of field if there is not an adequate depth of feeling.”

How true. Here’s Cliff at work, sharing tips with the class.

Our class was divided into teams so that we each get an opportunity to direct the models.

And here are some of the results…

If you’d like to read about my WPPI 2010 experience, read part 1 and part 2 as linked here.

View photos from a Trash the Dress photo shoot I did in Vegas here.

Family Portraits: Tan & Catherine

Marissa is Tan & Catherine’s first child. Somehow, I think firstborns are always photographed more than the second or third child. Parents are usually more diligent in capturing every little moment of their child’s progress, and the slightest smile makes the new parent all soft and mushy inside. I know that Tan & Catherine really dote over Marissa.

Some friends tell me that the pain of childbirth is easily forgotten after you hold your child in your hands. Perhaps not the first 3-6 months (every parent can tell you tales of sleepless nights)… but when she grows a little older, I am sure that child will steal your heart.

Trash the Dress session in Vegas

Aside from running from class to class at WPPI, I decided to join one of the many photo shoots organized during WPPI. This particular Trash the Dress session was organized by Melissa Diep, a photographer from Chicago. A huge number of photographers turned up, but we were split into groups with different models so that we can each take time to pose and direct the models.

It was interesting to see how different photographers had a different vision even at the same location. Each photographer that was in my group came up with different shots! I was mainly using my off camera flash to get some really cool grungy shots. I love this parking lot series.

If any of you has visited the Las Vegas strip, you’ll know how tough it is to get a shot without a crowd in it.

I also utilized the delicious evening light in Vegas for these shots…

I’m glad to have met so many talented photographers during this shoot. I had a great time, and I hope to meet all of you again in the near future! As for the models, Karen & Shelby, it was great working with the both of you!

Mong Ling & Hai Liang: Four Seasons, Langkawi part 2

Ceremony Location: Four Seasons Resort, Langkawi
Dinner Location: Tapaz
Wedding Planner: Touching Hearts Wedding Concepts
Wedding Gown: That Special Occasion
Evening Gown: Keith Kee
Suit & Shirt: Ian Chang from Bespoked
Make Up: Michelle Touche
Wedding favours: Wicked Wax
Photographers: Stories: Grace & Mark
Wedding Film: Wedding Story

After the wedding & tea ceremony ended, we had to take some photos around Four Seasons Resort. After all, it is a beautiful location! I love this feature wall.

And this funky stone wall…

I love this orange Mediterranean wall as well.

Look at the detailing in this gown. Lovely gown from That Special Occasion.

In the evening, we set off sail on a yacht to see the sunset, and for a grand entrance to the dinner reception area!

While we were out at sea, the dinner location, Tapaz, was being decorated. I love the look of the cake!

And then just before it got too dark, Mong Ling & Hai Liang appeared at the harbour on the yacht.

There were lots of dancing and partying that night.

Evening gown by Keith Kee.

The speeches by friends and family were really funny and revealing!

Thanks, Mong Ling & Hai Liang, for making our shoot so fun and memorable. You have treated us like family and are really welcoming. We appreciate that.

View part 1 of the wedding here.

Boudoir Photography

Boudoir photography is really popular in the US, UK and Australia, but something relatively new in Malaysia. Boudoir is a french word, derived from the meaning, ‘to pout’, or bedroom. These women, portrayed in a glamourous, sensual way, use the photos as gifts for their husbands or boyfriends. What a wonderful way to celebrate the human form!

I have been fascinated with this form of photography, but never had the opportunity to shoot one till recently. I think I have an edge as a female photographer – my client felt comfortable in front of me. I am really excited to share with you a few shots from this recent boudoir shoot. I have lots of ideas for this style of photography, so if any of you are interested… drop me a line and we can talk about it!

Of course, sexy lingerie and make up is a must for this shoot! Accessories are cool too.

And if you have lovely looking heels like this one – it’s a plus point!

Most women feel that they don’t really have it in them to pose for these type of shots. We tend to feel self conscious of our body and how it is portrayed. “Tummy too flabby, arms too fat, etc”. But at the end of the day, getting great images is really a collaborative effort with your photographer. You don’t have to worry about the poses, because you will be directed on what to do. We will know how to focus on the areas that you like and hide the parts that you are uncomfortable about. The final result will surprise your husband, and I am sure it is worth it!