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Family Portraits: En Ruey & Jas Min

20161128-FAMILYPORTRAITS_ENRUEY_JASMIN-115I love my job because I get to see families growing. I got to know En Ruey and Jas Min in 2013 when we photographed their pre-wedding photos and then subsequently, their wedding. And now, with their little baby who just turned 1! In a way, we get to do life together. Our photos end up as their family legacy, which makes me feel really proud and happy. And of course, emails like these gives us the encouragement to keep on going strong!

“We were totally blown away by the photos from our session on Monday! We are amazed at all the beautiful shots you managed to get despite our son not being the most smiley of moods that day! How in the world did you manage to capture all that?! We were quite disheartened after the shoot that day being absolutely convinced the photos might not come out as nice thanks to Mr. Grumpy but you have once again showed that our worries were for naught. =) Just like our pre-wedding and wedding and family shoot, the photos you take are amazing.

And btw, I showed some sneaks of the baby wearing pictures to some of my baby wearing friends and they all LOVED pictures. You totally made me look like a professional baby wearing model. =D They all want pictures like that for themselves now, so you may or may not be getting some requests for baby wearing shots in the future. ;)

Please never stop doing what you do as the world will be a much sadder place without all your amazing smile inducing pictures. =)

Thank you so very much.

Jas Min & En Ruey 

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Happy 4th Birthday, little Krysta

20160813-ALEX_GRACE_10TH_ANNIVERSARY-151Dear Krysta,

It’s been an amazing 4 years together, as your mum. One day, when you read this, know that I love you fiercely with all my heart. We’ve shared laughter together, tears, and silly moments practicing karate chops on imaginary bad people during our storytelling sessions. Just yesterday, I struggled through the day being your mum… it started out as a great day, going out with your Ee Ee (aunty Lina) to the mall…but when we came home, you were really tired and I had a really hard 3 hours with you and your brother, trying to put 2 over-tired toddlers down for their afternoon nap. After 1 hour, I realised a nap is nowhere in sight, so I decided we’ll just have an early dinner and put you to bed.

I guess it’s a combination of me being overly tired too, and temper tantrum outbursts that led me to my own outburst. I am sorry for the times I scolded and disciplined you out of my own anger. Part of me wants an obedient, compliant child, but I know that you have a mind of your own and sometimes, our personalities clash, resulting in crying moments (for both of us). You touched my heart when you saw my tears and took a tissue to wipe the tears away, and suggested that I drank water so I felt better.

I pray that you will grow up to be an amazing woman of God, who is kind, thoughtful and loves people fiercely too. You have a heart of excellence and your meticulous nature reminds me of your dad, who always wants to do things well. I see my own imperfections as I raise you up, and I know that this is God’s way of moulding me to be a better mother too. Love you so much.


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Divya & her colourful family

Divya describes her family as colour to a white canvas. They wanted this photo session done with the immediate family as 2016 is such a significant milestone for them as a family.

Divya says: My mom and dad only had two girls. My sister Sandy (that’s what we call her) got married first and my parents were elated to have a son in the family. So technically my brother in law Rohen is the apple of the family. They then had a daughter, Maya, who was the sole grandchild for a good 4 years. She continues to remain as the princess of our family.

I got married last year and my parents got another Son in the family. My sister and I now jokingly complaint that our husbands have become more important to my parents than we are! (It may not be a joke… it actually may be the truth!.. lol) My dad was over the moon to have two sons on his camp as he has always been surrounded by my mom, sis and me who have talked his hair off his head :)

2016 was an eventful year for my parents they went from being grandparents to one little princes to having 3 additions to the family. AND all three were BOYS! of course you can imagine the excitement! We want to be able to capture that transition from just the 4 of us mom, dad, my sister and me to the whole lot of us now… our characters pretty much speak for itself. As a family we may seem loud (but aren’t all families?) and we love just being us. With the kids and us it can be a riot but it is what makes us who we are.

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Gifts for Christmas

GiftmemoriesIf any of you are looking for a unique gift for a friend or family this Christmas, why not purchase a photography gift pack from us? It works just like a voucher purchase; you buy the gift, write a personalised message, we post the gift pack out, and your friend can claim the shoot within a year of receiving the gift!

We have 3 different packages for you to choose from – priced at RM350, RM600 and RM800. Find out more about the details of each package and purchase a gift pack online through our store.

Also, if you are buying this gift for a family with babies under the age of 1, there is the limited edition First Year Baby Milestones book that comes free with package 1 and 2. To get the free book, you need to purchase these gift packs from 3 participating stores – Kiddie Casetta in Atria, The Baby Outlet, Tropicana City Mall and Babydash online store.


The Tall and the Beautiful: Samuel & Cheryl’s Prewedding

At 6 feet 4 inches in height, Samuel towers over Cheryl’s petite frame. But he is not overbearing, instead, he’s like the big, friendly ‘giant’; often described by friends as somehow resembling Olaf from Frozen or Goofy from the Disney cartoons in the past. Cheryl… she is gorgeous, serene and beautiful, both on the inside and outside… according to Samuel, of course! He fell in love with her bubbly and caring nature, her poised yet also geeky looks, piercing eyes and sunshine smile.

They met on a blind date. One day, their friend, Becky, said to Cheryl, “You need to meet “Good Guy Samuel”. I have had many drinks with the guy and he has not misbehaved!”

So the first time they met was for a drink while Cheryl was in Singapore for work. Drinks carried on to dinner, and then Date No. 2 and No. 3 and so on… They have a lot in common, including that they take their relationship with God seriously, and so they discovered that they share many values and life goals as they went along.

This weekend, they will be tying the knot… so a huge congratulations to the both of you, Samuel and Cheryl! I really had so much fun on our shoot together! To summarise, it was like a random walk in the city… walking along smelly back lanes around Jalan Bukit Bintang, stopping at strangers’ homes and discovering locations we never knew existed!