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Portraits of Soh Family

Cindy is one meticulous mom, she made sure that communication between the both of us are clear. I remember my initial contact with her regarding the shoot we added each other on Facebook so that I can get to know her family better. And true enough, her love for her family spills over, especially for her very adorable little girl, Qing Qing, who was turning 1 year old.

20131028_FAMILY_PORTRAIT_ARTHUR_CINDY_90It was also JuJu, Cindy’s sister in law’s graduation from UKM. When she told me she graduated from studying dentistry, I am suddenly reminded that I need to visit my own dentist soon. *shudders*

20131028_FAMILY_PORTRAIT_ARTHUR_CINDY_23Qing Qing was possibly one of the easiest babies I have photographed. There’s no fuss – other than getting a little whiny after being kissed gazillion times (who wouldn’t want to kiss those chubby cheeks, I mean, com’on!), she just smiles sweetly.

20131028_FAMILY_PORTRAIT_ARTHUR_CINDY_46 copyMust be Arthur’s stubble- Qing Qing’s feeling the tickle!

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Newborn: Kay Lynn

Yee Ming and I go way back, to when we were little kids, growing up in the town of Malacca. She’s always a cheerful person, great company and a loyal friend. As time went by, we grew up, I moved to KL, and somehow we didn’t really keep in touch through the years. But thank God for Facebook because then we could get reconnected again!

Yee Ming and her husband Boon Hock now shuttle back and forth from JB to Malacca to run their own business. I personally don’t know how she does it with a newborn every 2 weeks or so, but I guess Kay Lynn has learnt to adapt, waking up in JB one day, and then another day in Malacca.

I was pleased to have been able to photograph little one month old Kay Lynn at their apartment in JB recently. Truly happy for the both of you, and I wish you lots of amazing moments with the little one!


Behind the Scenes: Pre-wedding of Adrian & Pei Hwa

It’s always fun doing videos like these because it gives clients an insight on what goes on at our pre-wedding shoot. Before a portrait session, most of my conversations with potential clients sound like this:

“I don’t know how to pose.”
“I hate taking photos.” (usually the men say this!)
“My fiance doesn’t know how to smile.” (the women usually say this!)
“Or he’s very kakuread: stiff and unnatural
“We’re just ordinary people.”

Perfect! That makes all of our clients! Honestly, you shouldn’t feel insecure or worried, but be assured that the professional photographer you hired will make you feel comfortable and look great. We know it’s probably the first ever professional photo shoot you’ve ever done. And if you’re female, you probably have 20 dress options because you can’t decide what to wear for the session.


We’ll help you plan, and on that day, we’ll just have fun. :) Trust me, even the kaku guys end up looking awesome!

View Adrian and Pei Hwa’s pre-wedding photos here.

Credits: Filmed & Edited by: Felicia

A dog named Prince and a lot of love: Jeremy & Sarah

Shortly after Jeremy and Sarah tied the knot, they decided on a little portrait session involving their two dogs as they weren’t there during the wedding. As an animal lover myself, I can imagine how much this means to them! Unfortunately, about a week before the shoot, one of the dogs passed away, and Sarah was devastated. So only Prince made it for the shoot. He was such an easy model, they must have bribed him with lots of goodies before the shoot started! Love how he is soooo photogenic (I guess Jeremy and Sarah, you guys look quite ok too! :P)

Personally, I think having a post-wedding shoot is quite a good idea. You feel more relaxed, and you had all the posing practice at your actual wedding! (Thanks Johan and Nigel!) There is less stress to ‘perform’ so that everything is perfect. Thanks Jeremy and Sarah, for making the shoot so enjoyable. Glad you love the photos!


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Pre-Wedding: Adrian & Pei Hwa


Two students, fated to meet at an induction camp in Port Dickson before starting their housemanship. It just so happened that they were the only two from the camp posted in Ipoh. It was natural that they started talking about work, going out for meals together (and movies!)… and soon, Pei Hwa began to sense that there was more than just a friendship blossoming here.

Unfortunately for Adrian, she told him the line that every guy hates to hear…”Let’s just be friends.”

He was crushed.

It soon became awkward and the movies and dinner dates stopped, except for the occasional hi and bye at the hospital. It must have been fate again, because 6 months later, they started talking to one another again, and he followed her along for a trip to Bangkok with some of her friends.

Adrian: I honestly didn’t really dare to confess after what happened a year ago… but somehow I just felt that chemistry we had together. So yeah just thought a trip or two with others might let me get to know her much better but despite that, still didn’t really want to get squashed like a ripe tomato again >_<. Until she got mad = P 

Pei Hwa: I really did get mad and didn’t talk to him or reply his messages for the whole day. Then after, he came and confessed. Somehow, we started dating but we didn’t remember when it was. So in the end, we decided to have our anniversary on the first Saturday of December. Hehe…

Then came our dreaded transfers and the beginning of long distance– I got posted to Manjung and him, Parit Buntar. I had never been in one and it didn’t work out for him in the past. Was difficult only being able to see each other once every 2 to 3 weeks, sometimes up to a month. At times we fought, usually I was the one who buckled, but he never gave up on me. But through it, I’d say we both learned to make sacrifices to keep our relationship going. 

Want to hear more of their story? Watch the video below!

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