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Hindu Temple Wedding: Ravi & Padma


Seeking Love – by Padma

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres” ~ Corinthians 13:4-7

I heard a reading of this verse at my close friend’s wedding many years ago; those simple yet powerful words echoed in the cool, quiet church. Words which stayed with me long after the ceremony but which I subconsciously never prioritized when looking for a partner. Always chasing after a wrong set of values, that was me. Until I met a man who in his own quiet and simple way embodied everything that I heard in church that day.

Unfortunately we got off to a rough start. The first time we met, I thought ‘Nice guy… but not my type’. He was courteous, mature and quite serious. I found him to be rather conservative and thought ‘Gosh we’re complete opposites! This is not going to work.’  I immediately ticked the ‘Just Friends’ box in my mental checklist and thought that was the end of it.

It wasn’t the end though. He was patient and kind. He was not boastful or proud and he was never self seeking. He continued to ask me out like a perfect gentleman and as the dates progressed I found myself warming to him. Full disclosure though, I did have a moment of cold feet and did the whole ‘I-think-you’re-a-nice-guy-but-we’re-better-off-as-friends’ thing. I was prepared for some unpleasantness but there was none to be had. He accepted my decision with grace but just had one request: that we meet one last time for coffee.

In the days leading up to our final coffee date, I felt conflicted. I thought I’d be relieved that we had ended everything amicably, why then did I feel so miserable? When we finally did have that coffee date, he told me that he just wanted to meet me to thank me in person for having given him a chance and he handed me a wonderfully sincere letter giving me words of encouragement and wishing me well. I was speechless. Who does this sort of thing?? That night I had a complete change of heart, and a year later here we are.

Our relationship has grown so much since then. He has never ceased to be the wonderful, caring and sweet man that I met a year ago. It’s true, we’re complete opposites, but that’s something that we accept and have a lot of fun with (sometimes at each other’s expense!). I couldn’t have wished for a better partner. And just like I heard at my friend’s wedding all those years ago, I know we will strive to protect each other, trust in one another, hope for the best and will always persevere together. Our love may be tested, but you can be sure that we’ll try our darnest to never let it fail ;)



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Malaysian-Mauritian Wedding: Charles & Jenna

“Jenna’s Mauritian, so I always tell her she’s my African wife…”

Charles and Jenna are a fun couple, and it really reflects through their wedding! I got to know Charles many years ago because we come from the same hometown, Malacca…and so I know that all the guys who were there at the wedding would make it really loud and rowdy! A totally sporting crowd! Unfortunately, I wasn’t there to witness this beautiful wedding, but Ben and Eric were there to photograph the wedding in Malacca.

Jenna was Charles’ sister’s housemate in London, and that’s how they met each other years ago. Charles was attracted to Jenna’s easy going personality…and so one thing led to another…and now they are married! Congratulations Charles and Jenna!


Charles’ home that was beautifully decorated for the wedding.


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Newborn Portraits: Vinod, Pamela and Rahul

Johan and Mark photographed Vinod and Pamela’s beautiful outdoor wedding at the Royale Chulan in 2012, and ever since then, they have gone productive and produced a lovely baby boy named Rahul. I was privileged to photograph Rahul’s newborn photos at their home. I love seeing our couples grow into little families like this. If possible, I’d like to be there at key moments of their lives, seeing the family grow through the years. What a joy it is to see them happy!

Congratulations, Vinod and Pamela… I am sure Rahul will bring many sleepless nights, but it is oh, so worth it.



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The Maze of Marrakech, Morocco

Within the fortified medina walls, lie little stories and hidden adventures at every turn. It is truly a maze, and if you are not careful, you’d easily find yourself walking in circles, trying desperately to navigate your way to someplace familiar. When I landed in Marrakech, my senses were just heightened. I love the energy of being in a country like Morocco. Reminds me of my travels to Egypt in the past.


Looking at Google maps within these walls would be completely useless. It’s just a blob of emptiness…seemingly no roads, but in reality, there are hundreds of pathways leading down alleyways where some merchants try to sell fig, dates or bread.



Honestly, I am not too big a fan of their tajine dishes… after a while, it started tasting alike to me. Krysta traveled with us, and she was a trooper!

On the first day, we were led through these pathways, through a small alleyway that was less than 6 feet in height. There were times when Alex had to duck his head because the ceiling was so low. But then, we came to this huge door that revealed a beautiful riad inside.

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Garden ROM at The Club, Saujana: Jonathan & Jacinda

I’ve grown to love this beautiful location. It’s a small little green patch of grass overlooking a lake, but given the right time of day when the sun is setting in the distance, you have gorgeous sunlight falling over this area, which makes for amazing back light. Ok, if you didn’t quite understand this photographer’s rambling, the location looks like this:


And this is the amazing back light (or hair light) I am talking about.


One of the wonderful things about small weddings is that you have lots of time for portraits. I enjoy creating images of the couple with their families and also close friends in a gorgeous setting. I photographed Jon and Jac a few months back when we did their Mad Men themed pre-wedding shoot. It was easy to connect with this couple, and from that moment on, I knew photographing them would be a breeze. The week after, Jon and Jac had their Chinese wedding ceremony (photos in the slideshow at the end of this post).

For this post, I thought I’d write a few tips on what I think would make a great garden wedding (from a photographer’s perspective):

1. Choose the time of day well

Considering we live in tropical Malaysia, the best time for an outdoor wedding would be before 10am and after 5pm. The sun is lower in the horizon which makes it more flattering for people photos. Have you ever taken a photo outdoors at 12pm, and seen lots of raccoon eyes (dark shadows under the eyes) staring back at you? Yup, that’s the effect of the sun as it is directly above you. So if you’d like more flattering images of yourself outdoors, opt to have your ceremony start at the timing suggested.

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