Taking on this shoot for the lovely Chong family reminded me a lot of the season in my life where I used to work at Vital Years, where I needed to connect with boisterous and fun toddlers. Little Ethan is cheeky, playful and loves singing. Little Katelyn is shy in the beginning, but is a ball of energy once the ice is broken. Baby Isaac is simply adorable. It must be a handful for parents, Adrian & Michelle!
What a thrill it is to celebrate my first Mother’s Day! I know now what it feels like to have a child of my own. Everyday, I give thanks to God for this little miracle of life that He has given to me. Everything about Krysta seems perfect to me… from her amazing hairdo that everyone talks about to her cute pudgy little legs… she is priceless. Deep down, I know that I’ll be willing to sacrifice anything for my little girl. Before I became a mum, I used to think that most mothers can be a little ‘overbearing’ and obsessed when it comes to their kids.
But now that I am one…
Yes, I have a confession to make. I am now an overbearing and obsessed mum! Especially when it comes to recording moments of her life as she grows. And wow, they grow so quickly! Tomorrow, Krysta turns 5 months old and I look forward to many more years as her mum. I hope I can be the kind of mum that she thinks is cool to hang out with, and one that she can share everything with.
Krysta, I love you to bits. Just cuddling you in my arms as you lay your head to rest makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Let’s go through life’s many adventures together with your dad, and future siblings! There’s so much of the world to see!
* Krysta as a 4 month old. By the way, I realize I have a new skill now as a mum-photographer – I can juggle from looking at the camera’s viewfinder, to giving eye contact over the lens!
This October, I will be traveling to Barcelona, Marrakesh and also Madrid for a short family holiday…celebrating my brother’s 50th birthday! It’ll be the first time I’m traveling such a long distance with my daughter Krysta so I hope that she won’t be fussy through out the trip. But I have awesome family members around me whom I can count on to babysit Krysta when necessary.
So… let’s take this opportunity to do some portraits, shall we? It can be a family shoot, a casual engagement shoot or a full on pre-wedding shoot with a beautiful white gown. If you are staying in Malaysia, I know that MAS and BA has a promotion right now (it lasts for a week from this date!). I booked my return flight for only RM2,700 through my travel agent. Perhaps you might be staying in London… it’s not that far a distance to Spain, right? *grin*
Do contact us for more details on our packages. Hope to see you there!
What struck me most about Bridget was her laugh. And her smile. She had this ear-to-ear grin and laugh that was so infectious… so much so that it made me want to laugh along with her. If I could describe her in another way, she’s like this bubbly, happy Energizer bunny that bounces everywhere spreading cheer to everyone. I can see why Allan was attracted to Bridget. Just like magnets, his character was the opposite of Bridget’s. Though you can tell that he loves having fun, he’s a lot more calm, just like an anchor for Bridget.
For this shoot, we wandered the streets of Putrajaya and photographed from sunset till the night lights came on. Bridget had wanted some night shots, and so the bridges of Putrajaya with its colourful lights seemed like the perfect setting for their shoot. It had rained a little prior to our shoot, but as with most of my couples, a little rain doesn’t deter them from continuing the shoot… even sitting on the ground in their gown!
“Hi Grace! I saw the pics yesterday, it is exactly what Allan and I expected. We love all the pics. We showed the video to my future mother-in-law, and she commented that she had never seen any couple as happy as us. You did a great job! Thanks for making our pre-wedding shoot so memorable” – Bridget –
It’s a historical day for all Malaysians. People, young and old, all over Malaysia head to the polling stations to cast their vote for the 13th Malaysian General Election. Years ago, after I graduated from my studies in Australia, I had to make a choice… to head back home or stay on to work in Australia. Somehow, deep down, I’ve always felt that Malaysia was home. It wasn’t a difficult decision to make. Right now, I truly believe that unless God calls me elsewhere, this is my home.
Despite all the negative things people say about this country, I still have hope. In God I trust. Our future lies in His hands.
My prayer is that our country will rise up to its fullest potential and that my children will have a positive future to look forward to. To all my fellow Malaysians, thank you for caring. You are making a difference.
* My 4.5 month old daughter Krysta and I vote for a better Malaysia! *
Updated: 6th May 2013
Many Malaysians are mourning, upset and angry over the results of the elections. Change may not have come the way we expected. But as individuals living in Malaysia, let’s do our part in making Malaysia a better place to live in by living a life that is ethical, peaceful, treating everyone with respect. If you want to see change happen in this country, we have to each play our part to make a difference. No matter how small. Let’s not give up.
This blog is dedicated to celebrating life – new relationships as husband and wife, parents with their newborns, grandparents with their children and grandchildren… life carries on. It is my desire that the images we create here gives everyone hope that there is a future for the next generation. Remain positive. Remain hopeful.