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Jason + Krystal + 3 cute boys

Jason and Krystal have their hands full. Their first two boys, Ryan & Jaden are energetic enough to bring the house down. And now, comes Damien. When I stepped into Krystal’s family home for our photo shoot, both Ryan and Jaden were running around the house with their cousins. The Decibel level was pretty high. :) It makes me wonder how did parents in the generation before manage with 10 or 13 children in the house.

Boys will be boys and so Ryan and Jaden promptly ignored us while we started our photo shoot with Damien. He turned one month recently. Isn’t he adorable? I love the giraffe blanket and basket that Krystal prepared for the shoot.

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Family Portraits: Daniel & Grace

When I first started shooting family portraits years ago, Daniel and Grace’s family were one of the first few families that I photographed. At that time, their eldest son Lucas was just a little baby, probably about Timmy’s age right now. How time flies! And now Lucas is about 3 years old…? The great thing about the Lim babies is that they’re always very smiley (except if they get tired, hungry or irritated by the heat!) Since the Lim family have been living in Australia for a number of years, I am not surprised if they find the Malaysian weather to be too hot and humid. It was great catching up with you again, Dan & Grace… and thanks for bringing back the iPad from Australia for Alex! :)

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Tammy & Katherine’s Maternity Portraits

Two friends, two pregnant mothers-to-be.

I thought it’d be a great idea to do a combined photo shoot with Tammy & Katherine. How often do you get two friends who are pregnant about the same time, going through similar experiences? I’m glad we did this shoot, because one week after the shoot, Katherine gave birth to lovely Aaron! This is Katherine & Ben.

And this is Tammy & Jordan. Photographed their wedding in 2008.

Funky mothers.

Ben & Kat were still undecided on a name one week before their baby was born.

A little conversation going on here…

I think it’s really wonderful to make time for maternity portraits, especially if this is your firstborn. We should celebrate human life and the wonder of birth. Nine months, and so quickly it changes. I think when I get pregnant, I’d like to document my little baby’s life through images. And appreciating every stage of life as it comes.