Meet Charlyn Leang, the talented makeup artist and hairstylist who has made so many of our clients look fabulous for their photoshoot! Yes, she’s also part of our “secret sauce” to producing great photos.
Charlyn has been a freelance makeup artist and hairstylist for about 15 years now. What does she love about her job?
“Working with different people because each person brings a unique look and facial features to work with,”
she tells us.
“Then, once we are done. That moment when I get to take a step back and look at the person who is like an ‘artwork’, it’s very satisfying and it makes me very happy.”
An artist who can appreciate any face like a beautiful piece of artwork? Now that’s what we want!
We asked her to share tips on what to do before a headshot session – even before meeting the make up artist. Here are her top three tips: