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Pre-Wedding at 20 Trees: Kevin & Shermaine

It was the perfect childhood love story for Kevin and Shermaine. You know, one filled with pimples, braces and all. From puppy love to teenage crushes and finally, true love… Kevin and Shermaine made it. Even though many opt to go to exotic locations for their pre-wedding shoot, Kevin and Shermaine decided on the opposite – to just do their photos at her home. It wasn’t really the location that mattered after all, but the connection that the two of them share. Thanks for the friendship you two. We felt as if we connected with the both of you too during the shoot and made it to the friends list! May your marriage be filled with awesome moments and lots of laughter. Hugs!

20150306_PRE-WEDDING_KEVIN_SHERMAINE_227Bride’s story:

I knew Kevin since I was 10 or 11 years old in children’s church. We used to HATEEE each other especially when there were those competitive “boys vs girls” rivalry games in church. We practically saw each other grow up. We stayed in the same ‘taman’ with houses a stone’s throw away from each other.

He saw me through my geeky brace-face days, and I saw him through his ‘bad-boy’ wannabe moments. We were always friends, grew up teasing/ hating each other’s guts. I knew of his existence and his of mine but it was nothing romantic lah! *cue defensive mode* Ok fine…maybe a little…I had a crush on him when we entered our high school phase….but I never pursued it.

We never really saw each other as ‘someone to love’ until one really traumatic experience for me when I was 18.

I used to love taking walks up ‘G Hill’ in Taman Melawati alone to clear my head and exercise. On one not-so-lucky occasion, I bumped into a man coming from the opposite direction of the hike path. He was obviously not in his right mind as he decided to conveniently “flash” me with his ‘you-know-what’ down there!

In utter disbelief, I turned, and ran away as fast as I could. Upon reaching my house, I couldn’t believe it! The man had made a full circle and lo and behold, he was coming down the road and approaching me.

I turned a 180 and took off to a different housing area. First thought that came to my mind “I should call Kevin Lee, he stays nearby.” And called him I did, but he did not pick up. So I decided to stop walking and cab my way back to my house to avoid any unnecessary encounters.

Towards dinner time, I received a call from Kevin who was wondering as to why I would call him at such an odd hour as he was actually sitting for an exam in uni (bless his heart!). The moment I told him about my encounter, he quickly rushed back all the way from uni just to see me.

And I guess as they say, the rest is history. Loved blossomed, we dated 2 years, we did long distance for our 3rd and 4th year together, we dated another 2 more, we got engaged in our 6th year, and now we’re getting married at the 7th, perfection!


Pre-Wedding in Santorini: Terence & Sarah

As a photographer, I am always touched that couples would willingly display public forms of affection in front of my camera lens. It’s not an easy thing to do… following directions and at the same time, being engrossed in ‘the moment’. And when the photographer is your sister-in-law, it can either be a good or awkward. But Sarah and Terence rocked the session, and were totally easy to photograph.

If you have been following this blog, you’d know that a few days before this shoot, it was raining in Santorini. The weather was 8 degrees Celcius and strong winds threatened to ‘blow’ us off the cliffs. But thank God the clouds parted and we had a sunny day for Terence and Sarah’s session. (though her jacket was always within reach in between shots!)

Terence and Sarah have known each other for years now, since uni days, when they were young adults exploring life in Australia. Their journey began in 2004, and now, 11 years later, they are registered. Thank you, T&S for being such awesome family members. I’m glad we could share memories like these, including lugging our bags up and down stairs in the rain, exploring different restaurants and lying on the black beach. Love both of you very much. Looking forward to the Bali wedding later on!

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Maternity Portraits: Jerry & Suki

This shoot for Jerry & Suki was a special one for me- it was the last ever studio session in our SSTwo Mall unit before we moved to Oval Damansara. While I look forward to new developments to life and moving ahead, I am also quite sentimental. I have good memories of this studio from all the shoots that we have had.

Jerry and Suki is expecting their first child, after being married for a little over a year ago. Suki’s calm disposition is balance to Jerry’s enthusiastic demeanour, and they are really cute together! Prior to the shoot, Suki had her make up done in the studio by Michelle’s Touche’s team.


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You Made me a Mother

This Mother’s Day, I’d like to share a poem that I came across on Facebook, written by this lady, Melanie Tan. It’s a really lovely piece adapted from another similar poem. I love how she has captured the feeling of motherhood through these lines. Wishing all amazing mothers out there, a Happy Mother’s Day.

20150429_FAMILY_NICO_MURIEL_YASMIN_27Two blue lines,
Tears, excitement and fears
Will I be a good mother?
Can I survive child birth?
I wasn’t ready

Then, the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard
Hearing your heartbeat for the first time
That fast paced rhythm
I told myself, I can do this

I felt you
Your first kick
I smiled
Your first in-vitro hiccups
I laughed

Suddenly, you were here
Daddy’s nose, mummy’s lips
and those eyes
staring at me when we first met
and I fell in love

I held you, fed you
You cried and I cried
Our 3am staredowns
Sleepless nights

That smell of your head
Little wandering hands
A sniff, a kiss
While you gently suckle on my breast
You doze off
With droplets of love on your lips
I wipe them off and put you down gently
Thinking how much I will miss this
When you grow older

But there are also times I wanted to give up
Then you smile at me
Your cheeky wide grin
And you grab my hands with those little fingers
I pick myself up and console myself
This only gets better

We are growing together
Seeing the world as new
I’ll open my heart and shower you with love
You’ll giggle and I’ll do it all over again
And we’ll walk hand in hand
Until you let go
and explore the world with your two little feet
and I’ll be right behind you
Cheering you on
Or to catch you when you fall
Wherever you need me most
I’ll be there, always

I made you…

But you made me a mother.

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Behind the Scenes Video: Eu Jin & Samantha’s Prewedding

Our aim at every pre-wedding shoot is to relax and just have fun! For Eu Jin and Samantha’s pre-wedding, we headed to Sekeping Tenggiri and UPM. It rained just after we completed the shoot at Sekeping Tenggiri but thank God the weather held up while we were at UPM. One of the biggest challenges for me during this shoot was to drive our resident VW kombi, Smurfette to UPM. My short legs and lack of arm muscles posed a problem on the road (especially when doing 3 point turns with this non-power steering manual vehicle!), but thank God we survived!

Really had lots of fun too with Jamie assisting. And of course, this video wouldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for Chi Yin who filmed and edited the video.

We will be posting the photos from the pre-wedding shoot at a later stage, so keep a look out for it!

Photographers: Grace & Jamie
Videographer: Chi Yin
Locations: Sekeping Tenggiri & UPM
Hair & Make Up: Angie Ng
Wedding Gown: Pretty in White
Flowers: Floristika