Pitter Patter, one of our clients, is organizing a special event for women. Whether you are planning on getting pregnant, are currently pregnant or already a mother with children over 1 year in age… there are talks to cater to your needs. Registration is only RM10, and you’ll get so much value for money!
The best part is, Stories will be there! Come visit our booth on that day, and sign up for a discounted lifestyle portrait session with us. We’ll be excited to meet you to discuss any photo shoot ideas you may have.
If you’d like to register for this event, or find out more about it, please email [email protected] or contact Veron at 0123288368. See you there!
One of my clients recently asked me, how do I find the time to blog, especially when my days are filled with meeting potential clients, going for shoots, sorting photos, checking through album layouts and responding to enquiries? (and on top of that, move house, move office and actually have a social life?)
My response is simple… I make time for it.
When I think back about it, I am amazed as well. Of course, there are days when I am overwhelmed with the workload. Since I started running my own business 3-4 years ago, I discovered that time is such an important asset. Everyday is a rush to complete the backlog of work that somehow manages to miraculously pile itself on my desk. Before I know it, a day has gone by, a week, a month, a year… where did the time go?
I am still learning the art of prioritizing my time. There are certain things I know I need to do, and those things are high on my priority list. Blogging is one of them. I feel it’s so important to have fresh content on the Stories blog, that no matter how busy I am, I must make time to blog. In my mind, blogging = marketing the Stories brand. How can I neglect something as important as marketing?
So yeah… I make time for it.
Here’s a simple update to what’s been happening the past one week:
Noel & Hui Yi’s pre-wedding shoot in Putrajaya
I love Pullman hotel for pre-wedding photography. The ambience is beautiful!
Kevin & Katherine’s pre-wedding shoot in Nikoi Island, off Bintan, Indonesia
With an amazing beach like this, you can’t help but feel soooo blessed at having a job that brings you places.
Photographer: Grace
Hair & make up: Michelle Touche
Location: Pullman Hotel, Putrajaya
When Sam contacted me about her Audrey Hepburn inspired pre-wedding shoot, I was ecstatic. You see, Sam’s a photographer too, and she knows what she really wants. Not just for her pre-wedding or wedding photos, but also in a man. From what I observe, Bee Lee compliments her perfectly. She’s excitable, he’s calm and collected.
Photographer: Grace, assisted by Alex
Locations: Marina Bay Sands & Southern Ridges, Singapore
Years ago, there was a possibility of me moving to Singapore. Other than the relationship pull factor (my ex was Singaporean!) plus the thought of earning a higher income… Singapore seemed like a decent place to live. Not surprising that Istvan and Shirley decided to hop over the causeway to work some time back. I met Istvan and Shirley for the first time on their pre-wedding shoot day. They were so easy to get along with. I am really thankful for clients like these because it just makes my work so much easier!
I was excited to shoot at Marina Bay Sands. The view is amazing! Thanks Istvan and Shirley for your generosity in putting us up for one night at Marina Bay Sands. Alex and I enjoyed the pool very very much. :) Hope you’ll like these images… I can still remember the heat from the deck! The both of you are amazingly sporting for doing all sorts of things under the hot sun.