Our resident photographer Mark Leo is now a married man himself! Ever since that first date at GSC 4 years ago, Mark has grown more and more in love with Mun Tzin. Over the past 3 years, my friendship with Mark and Mun Tzin has grown and I must say that this is one funny couple. Mark is always telling funny jokes which causes Mun Tzin to either erupt in laughter or look at him strangely. They are passionate about life, friendship and God, and you always know that you can count on them to be there when you need them to.
I asked them to describe each other, and here are some fun facts about Mark and Mun Tzin (with my notes in italics):
1. Mun Tzin loves that Mark is such a rational, solution oriented person. And that he is really funny.
2. What she dislikes about him – that he is always trying to pack his day with activities! And that he is always late. (but not on shoots, right Mark!!!)
3. Mark can wiggle his ears (I find that really weird). And he has really really long arm hair.
4. What Mark loves about Mun Tzin – that she is focused & opinionated (eg. she can talk about one issue the entire night, especially if it’s something that irks her).
5. And what Mark dislikes about Mun Tzin – that she is not spontaneous enough!
By the way, Mun Tzin has been coordinating quite a number of weddings in Damansara Utama Methodist Church, so she is a really organized person!
Anyhow, back to the point of this post! In tune with Mark’s funny nature, I thought it would be appropriate to create a proposal video that is sooooooo Mark. And of course, soooo Mun Tzin. Enjoy!
[flv:http://www.stories.my/wp-content/uploads/2010/slideshows/mark_munz.mp4 http://www.stories.my/wp-content/uploads/2010/slideshows/mark_munz.jpg 700 394]
Here’s a shot of Mark and I before the ceremony. His last moments as a bachelor.

Praying before the ceremony starts…

And here she comes…

Congratulations to the both of you! Wishing you many many years of exciting, spontaneous (but maybe not too spontaneous for Munz) fun and lots of laughter. Have a great honeymoon in the Maldives!