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Casual Fun: Kenneth & Hooi Ju

Kenneth and Hooi Ju just love doing things together. It’s the simple things in life that make them happy. Whether it is shopping for groceries together, cooking, playing with their Nerf guns, or just cuddling and watching TV, what’s important is that they are together. It kind of reminds me of my relationship with Alex. One of our little mottos is that we do everything together! It’s kind of nice that he comes with me on some of my shoots as well. Spending time with each other is definitely one of our love languages!

I just love doing casual shoots like these… we definitely had lots of fun that day! Shooting in B.I.G. supermarket was unusual and interesting too… unfortunately, this will be the only time we get to shoot at B.I.G. as I’ve been told that Kenneth and Hooi Ju’s pre-wedding shoot was the last permitted shoot… ever!

Here’s our selection of favourites, as photographed by myself and Weiming. Do view their fusion slideshow at the end of the post for more images!



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Reusing old film strips

Relocating is such a difficult thing to do, for me at least. Not so much logistical hassle, but emotional. Leaving somewhere I know oh-so-well to another feels like I am leaving a big part of my life behind.

But that’s not what I want to talk about today.

You see, while packing for the move, I discovered a paper bag filled with old camera film strips my father has kept over the years. My mother was about to throw them all away, but being the sentimental person that I am, I knew I had to find a way to save it, for old memory’s sake.

So I’ve decided to use it to make a simple film decoupage. :)

If you are as sentimental as me, or if your hands are just itching to do something crafty, here’s something you can do too!

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ROM at Ciao Ristorante: Kenneth & Mae

It was her first day at work, back in 2006, when Mae joined the company as a Management Trainee. Since he was also a trainee, they shared daily anecdotes and various survival skills, working whilst having fun in the process. What struck Kenneth was Mae’s cheerful and friendly personality. It was like a glimpse of warm sunshine amidst the gloomy office environment (especially when she visited the dark, cold corner of the office where he was seated).

Mae’s first impression of Kenneth was that he was a loud, brash, and obnoxious guy. Not the best but a funny guy. Nevertheless a good friend. Two years went by, and a friendship developed. They went through thick and thin, sugar and spice. But their friendship flourished throughout.

Then came that fateful day when Kenneth was transferred to work in Johor Bahru. Amazingly, 3 months later, Mae was also transferred to JB, and they celebrated the joyous reunion of 2 friends. They looked out for each other, took care of each other and kept each other company for the next 2 years. Her presence made the faraway posting much easier.

Then came 2010, after Kenneth was transferred back to KL. It was then that they both realized that absence made the heart fonder. Kenneth soon realized that the good friend he had spent all this time with was the person he wanted to spend forever with. Finally, he mustered up to the courage and professed his love to Mae (and this was after a few surprise visits to JB as well!). Outwardly, she played it cool, but secretly, Mae was absolutely elated. The rest, they say is history!

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Wedding Video Highlight: Jeffrey & May

We love it when our clients share their life stories so candidly and freely with us. It just makes us feel as if we’ve known them for years! So much detail went into the planning for Jeffrey and May’s wedding… everything was executed beautifully by the vendors that came together for this wedding. Through the emotions shared on their wedding day, you can tell that they are very very much in love. :)

Jeffrey and May’s Story (and all the personalization that went into their wedding!):

Jeffrey and I have known each other for a long, long time.  We met through a mutual family friend, who introduced us on the pretext of introducing me to someone who did his postgraduate studies in Oxford and was in a position to advise me on the same, as I was also going to pursue my postgraduate studies then.  Little did I know then that it was a match-making event! While we hit it off almost immediately, I was totally oblivious to all these until much later!

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Parisian Themed Wedding: Jun Ven & Adelene

It’s been a few months since Jun Ven and Adelene’s wedding, but I’d still like to share some of the images and video that were taken on their wedding day by our team – photography by Johan and Weiming, and videography by Joshua and Wee Liem. Some of you might have seen their pre-wedding photos that I took some time back with the same Parisian theme. You can read about their story by clicking on the link above.

It was a beautiful day in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur, and the skies were blue… unusually gorgeous, unlike most hazy days in the city. Before arriving at the church, Jun Ven and Adelene had already gone through the traditional chinese chip san leong events, and appreciated families through a meaningful tea ceremony. Friends and family members gathered from all over the world for their wedding. In the capable hands of their wedding planner, Mun Tzin of Milestones, everything came together beautifully.

It was a day to remember.

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