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The Moey Family: Including Furry Friends too

When I heard that ten people would be coming for the portrait session (not to mention 2 dogs), I was a little concerned about how to pose everyone. I remember when I first started out in portrait photography a few years back, I had one of my first few outdoor sessions with a family of 30! I should have known that it was career suicide for me to consider taking 30 people including children out to a park then. Well, I’m glad to say that I’ve improved by leaps and bounds since then. I now understand that taking great people portraits requires great people skills. Every time I meet a family, or a couple, I am excited to be a part of their lives, if only for an hour or two. I remember a photographer friend telling me of a family that she had photographed… the family wasn’t close, but after the photography session, the family bond grew stronger. I’d like to think that after every portrait session I shoot, a family grows closer or a couple is reminded of the love they have for one another.

Thank you Tina for giving me this privilege to photograph your family and your extended family. To Terence, I’m glad to have finally met your family! Everyone was such a good sport… even in suggesting ideas during the shoot! Oh, and I’ll never forget trying to smuggle 2 dogs into Tmn Tun park!

This was how we did it: (pop your head back in, little one!)

I can’t believe how obedient these 2 doggies are! Can you just feel the love in the air?

My sister-in-law, Sarah and her boyfriend Terence

What a way to end the portrait session! They are super flexible!

Maternity Portraits

In our Asian culture where you’d tend to hide everything behind cloth, it is actually refreshing to be able to photograph something that is completely different. A lot of pregnant women tell me that they feel very ‘fat’ and don’t want to be photographed during this stage of their life. But this is such a beautiful occasion, that it completely deserves a photo shoot! It’s that moment in your life when you discover the joy of motherhood. How amazing life is. The magic of creation. A breath. A heartbeat. And then 2 tiny little hands. A cry. A giggle.

Celebrate life! How precious it is.

Family Portraits: Edwin & Priscilla

When I launched the Lifestyle Portraiture Promo 1 month ago, the first person to email me was Priscilla. She called me the day after the promo was launched and immediately made a booking that very day itself. She related to me one of her previous portrait session where her son accidentally stepped on an ant’s nest and was badly bitten in the park! I felt so sorry for the boy. She warned me too that her son Joseph is really playful and would sometimes not pose for the camera.

So on the day of their shoot, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I certainly hoped that there weren’t any ants nest in the nearby vicinity! Despite the initial drizzle, we kept our spirits up and it turned out to be a really fun shoot! I’m not a mother yet, but I can imagine the feeling of coming home pooped after a few hours attending to children. Joseph and Joy-Anne were just so adorable! Here are some of my favourites from that day. Look at that drool!

Even grandma was involved that day!

I love Joy-Anne’s 2 little teeth.

Ian came along with me on this shoot. He took this next shot.

We even had a little ‘couple’ time for Edwin and Priscilla. Edwin was a natural! The moment we said we’d take photos of the both of them, he instantly swept Priscilla off her feet!

And lastly, my favourite from their couple portraits.

The Wedding of Bernard & Huay-Sien

I am back again with another post, this time it was for Bernard and Huay-Sien. It was a truly unique wedding and Ian and I had just so much fun shooting. The morning started with the usual preparation before the church ceremony. I love shooting at Huay-Sien’s place, the colour of the walls were so nice and vibrant and I can really think of so many places where I can shoot in the house.





Ian on the other hand was over at Bernard’s place capturing the groom and his family.


The church ceremony was held at St. Peter’s in Bangsar, it was the first time that I had the opportunity to shoot in this beautiful church.



Once the ceremony was over, both Bernard and Huay-Sien were so happy that they just couldn’t stop smiling the whole time!


Right after the church ceremony, we all then headed towards Le Meridien for the wedding luncheon. It is not very often that we get to attend a wedding luncheon instead of the usual wedding dinners.


Bernard’s speech was so hilarious that I just couldn’t stop laughing myself!


Both Bernard and Huay-Sien also requested that we have a portraiture session and I actually did a little scouting of Le Meridien a week before the wedding and found out that the hotel was just beautiful and there are countless of spots where you can capture lovely images. So while Huay-Sien was getting ready for the portraiture session, Ian took this beautiful shot of their wedding bands.


From then onwards, we headed around the entire hotel shooting non-stop. It was great and both Bernard and Huay-Sien were so cooperative. They are so easy to work with and I had loads of fun just joking around and shooting.


While Ian was taking the shot above, I caught a candid shot of Huay-Sien below.



The one thing I really noticed about the hotel was that they had loads of interesting decorations about, like the image below.


Even the lifts were not spared as well!


They even had this interesting corridor linking both Le Meridien and KL Hilton as well.



The lobby area was just awesome!





I really love this photo taken by Ian below, it shows so much expression and feel!


Trying out various silhouette shots, again ;)


Found a hidden place outside with some interesting leading lines.


I guess after having so much fun, we totally lost track of time. The sun set so fast!


Finally a group shot of all of us at our final location.


(from left to right: Mark, Ian, Bernard, Huay-Sien)


And last but not least here is also a shot I sneaked in of Ian while he was trying to pose the lovely couple. Before signing off, I would like to extend my congratulations again to both Bernard and Huay Sien and that the two of you will have a great life ahead!

Eugene, Audrey and Shane

Eugene not only shares the same office space as me, but is one of my lunch kakis at Integricity. He introduced really yummy bak kut teh to everyone in the office and we’re all hooked on it now. But that’s not the point of this blog post. Eugene, his wife Audrey and kid Shane trooped over to a park in PJ recently and I had a great time photographing their portraits. Actually, it was more like, Shane playing and me running after him. Shane is such a cheerful kid. He never stops smiling and laughing.

I am told that Shane loves shoes. His crocs look so well adorned!

The only thing that can wipe the smile off Shane’s face is when he gets dirt onto his hands. I can’t believe what a neat and tidy kid he is! He didn’t want to go near the sand or anything ‘dirty’. I don’t usually take photos of kids screaming, but Eugene said, “I don’t mind photos of him like that!” So here it is!

But it didn’t last very long. After a few seconds, Shane returned to his normal self.

Ooh and since I’m not that much of a web guru, I’m really excited to have created this animated gif in Photoshop. (Alex thinks I’m more of a geek than he is)

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to get to know your family better, Eugene. I truly enjoyed our time at the park.