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Wedding at St Peter’s Church, KL: Matthew & Wai San

20161022-WEDDING_MATTHEW_WAISAN_0581It was April 2012 in Melbourne, Australia. The Overseas Christian Fellowship Easter Camp was starting soon, but Matthew was hesitant about going. But at the last minute, he changed his mind, and it was there that he met beautiful Wai San. Eventually, after the camp ended, they became friends and he plucked up enough courage to ask her out on an ice-cream date. It was a ‘hot’ date as they sat and chatted for more than 3 hours over ice-cream!

She thought, “He seems quite smart (something I like!). Maybe a little too skinny but overall, ok lah!”

Well, Matt couldn’t get pretty and cute Wai San out of his mind since that first date. Four months later, he decided to take things further and asked her to be his girlfriend before he took her to a musical and presented a nice necklace to her.

For 3 years and 11 months, they shared a lot of things in common, like their love for board games, traveling and food. In that first 12 months of dating, Matt changed from a skinny guy to a more chubby man as he put on 12kg that year! I guess love makes you ‘fuller’!

So in 2016, Matthew and Wai San are married! Their wedding was held at St Peter’s Parish, Bangsar and their dinner at Sheraton Imperial, KL. She had always dreamed of a fairytale wedding (as a princess to a dashing groom) surrounded with lots and lots of pretty flowers and bunny rabbits! (you’ll see what I mean later).

Unfortunately, due to an unexpected turn of events, Wai San’s father passed away before their wedding. I had the good fortune of getting to know him months earlier at Wai San’s sister’s wedding, which I also photographed. I felt really emotional at Wai San’s wedding, knowing that she would very much have loved to have him there, but honoured at the same time to have created beautiful images of their family at Wai Wai’s wedding earlier.

Wai San, seeing how your family held together through that difficult time with the support of your loved ones was truly inspirational for me. At your wedding, you were truly the princess your dad would have been proud to see. Matthew was indeed the most supportive and dashing prince who knew how to lift you off your feet, and into his arms. Have a beautiful marriage, you two.

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Family Portraits: Kok Ming & Angeline

5 years after Kok Ming and Angeline tied the knot, their lives have been filled with excitement. They have started a business venture together, produced two lovely girls in the meantime, and relocated to a foreign country with no family support. But despite the challenges they faced, they are grateful for the good and bad times. Striving hard for their children’s future has been the foremost agenda on their mind these days, but now that Angeline is a stay-at-home mom, she is even more thankful for the sacrifices that her parents have made in the past.

“I have been a whole lot more patient ever since I had kids. Been laughing more and happier since I have been a stay at home mom for the past few months. I worry I will forget about all my happy moments when I am old, that’s why I want to have these pictures taken. How I wish time could slow down a little.” – Angeline  

As a working mom, I am amazed at all stay-at-home moms, as I don’t think I have the patience to deal with my children daily. I truly have respect for these mothers and sometimes wish I had the capacity to do such a job. I know that I pray daily for God’s guidance, wisdom and patience in dealing with my kids! Angeline also shares about how her husband is a hands-on man, always doing his best to keep the girls occupied with his funny antics and hilarious comments, even playing dollhouse and having tea parties with them frequently!

I really commend Kok Ming for his involvement. Truly, in a world where we can be so distracted, disinterested or uninvolved with our kids, Kok Ming has made time for his family. We need more people like this in this world.

Wedding in Auckland, New Zealand: Calvin & Queenie

20161105_WEDDING_CALVIN_QUEENIE_547I was really excited when Calvin and Queenie chose to hire our photography and videography team to cover their wedding in Auckland, New Zealand. What a privilege it is, to fly internationally to a country that is famous for its beautiful scenic vistas and sheep! Though there weren’t any sheep present at the wedding, Calvin and Queenie tied the knot on the deck of Hilton Auckland, overlooking sailboats dotting the sea’s horizon. The sun’s rays kept darting in between clouds as they said their vows to each other, witnessed by their closest family and friends, some who have traveled from Australia and Malaysia to be there at the wedding.

That morning itself, the couple had a simple tea ceremony for their closest family members. And after the vow exchange ceremony, we headed to the Fisherman’s Wharf area for some portraits. Halfway through, it rained and we had to seek shelter at some shops nearby. Though Queenie’s Malaysian bridesmaids & sister were shivering in the cold, they braved the weather and were such troopers. Thank you for it all!

If you’d like to hear about how these 2 lawyers met each other at work in Sydney, you should view our post with their pre-wedding pictures. Calvin and Queenie are indeed both really generous people, who care about the welfare of everyone who come into contact with them. The 6 of us who flew to Auckland felt so welcomed. It was lovely to meet Calvin’s Taiwanese family and Queenie’s family from Malaysia as well. About a month later, we photographed their KL wedding at Grand Hyatt. It had amazing decorations but we’ll save that for another day.

Enjoy the video and photos.

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Welcome, 2017!

As I sit in a hotel room in Dhaka, Bangladesh on the last day of 2016, I reflect on all that has happened this year. It’s been a year of ups and downs, at times filled with beautiful memories, and at times, financially stretching for us as a company. Yet, perhaps with some childlike faith, I have hope. I am hoping that 2017 will be one that is great. A year that will bring about change, as we have set into motion some plans for the year.

Recently, in between our wedding shoots here in Bangladesh, I had time to walk the streets a little. We bumped into an old curiosity shop that looked like it sold antiques (or lookalikes!). I was drawn to a hourglass that had a compass at the top and bottom. That afternoon, as I was praying about the year ahead, I felt God telling me two things: That I need to depend on Him as the compass of my life. He would give me the direction I seek desperately. And the hourglass reminds me that my time on earth is short – what am I doing daily that makes a difference to the world?

Naturally, my thoughts go to my children and leaving a legacy in their lives. It would be tragic if I spent so much time working on my business but neglected the welfare of my kids (and husband!). If today was the last day of my life, would I feel happy with all I had done in life?

Let’s make each day count. Happy New Year from us in Dhaka and have a great start to 2017!

BTS-day1-bangladesh*Thank you to the random waiter who suggested we have a photo together after the holudh event, and who actually took it for us on our phone! (Left to Right: Jamie, Grace & Jennifer)

Maternity Portraits: Marieke

One of the biggest gripes most pregnant women have is that they feel bloated, almost elephant-like in nature approaching their 3rd trimester. Feet sometimes start to swell, spots appear, or the linea nigra line appears right across the belly, together with a protruding belly button. With Marieke, she didn’t appear to have any of these problems! She just looks so gorgeous with a baby belly! Taken in our studio by Jamie, these images remind us that every pregnant woman is indeed beautiful, because she carries a precious life inside of her. Praying for a safe delivery and we look forward to seeing the little one in the future.

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