Liz says:
When I was studying for my A-levels in KL, I was attending a brethren church called Melawati Gospel Centre and was involved in the youth ministry. I attended a few inter-church activities where Abel’s church was involved too, but we never met. In Sept 2007, I went to Uni of Hertfordshire, UK to study. Before that, in a church activity, I bumped into a family friend who told me that a friend’s son was coincidentally also going there, and that if I needed any help, I should give him a call. Somehow, the contact exchange did not happen and I didn’t pay too much attention to that either.
I visited a Christian fellowship in university on the first week of my arrival and that’s where I first met Abel. He was very friendly to me and I think it was especially since we were from the same church background.
We spent a lot of time together in university, mostly due to involvement in church and fellowship activities. We were both in relationships when we first met, so we were just friends. Abel treated me like a younger sister all the time. Looking after me, watching out for me and saving me from any trouble I’d get into. The first valentines’ gift he gave to me was a spatula and 12 silicon cupcake cases with a handmade card (I had a baking thing going on then and that was what I needed which I told him during one of our casual chats)
The first thing that attracted me to him was his smell, which I later found out, was actually the smell of the washing detergent he used. At that time, I thought it was extremely lucky if his girlfriend was able to smell it all the time. (I do have a thing about smells!) I also love it that he was such a caring and sacrificial man too.
I started developing feelings for him when I was in my final year of university but nothing happened then. When my parents came for my graduation, during one of our trips, I told my dad that I had feelings for Abel. He encouraged me with some positive advice and prayed for me. He was quite fond of Abel so that was a relief. It was such a blessing to get to know Abel through different groups of friends as that would have put me at a good start of getting to know him as a person. I later discovered Abel had mutual feelings for me and the chase started.
Remembering what the family friend told me before I left for UK. Life sure has it’s surprises.
Abel Says:
When I met her in UK, Liz just looked cute and adorable to me. Just felt like pinching her cheeks! We became closer in the next 4 years and as we grew closer we started to have feelings for one another. One thing lead to another and we became a couple.

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