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Family Portraits: Lee, Cyndi, Russell & Owen

My relationship with the Fang family started years ago through my sister’s friendship with Sara. I photographed Sara’s extended family years ago, and more recently, her immediate family. And now, Sara’s sister – Cyndi’s family. I just love the way the world works and how one thing just leads to another.

Lee and Cyndi are really cool people. Of course, so are their sons Russell & Owen. They are the kind of family that does things together – like making your own mooncake festival lantern from scratch. By their conversations, you know that Lee & Cyndi have a deep friendship with their children; they speak about anything under the sun. Even though Russell’s PMR exams are just around the corner, he wasn’t cooped up in the room 24 hours 7 days a week… he was out taking his family portraits. :)

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Jason + Krystal + 3 cute boys

Jason and Krystal have their hands full. Their first two boys, Ryan & Jaden are energetic enough to bring the house down. And now, comes Damien. When I stepped into Krystal’s family home for our photo shoot, both Ryan and Jaden were running around the house with their cousins. The Decibel level was pretty high. :) It makes me wonder how did parents in the generation before manage with 10 or 13 children in the house.

Boys will be boys and so Ryan and Jaden promptly ignored us while we started our photo shoot with Damien. He turned one month recently. Isn’t he adorable? I love the giraffe blanket and basket that Krystal prepared for the shoot.

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Family Portraits: Daniel & Grace

When I first started shooting family portraits years ago, Daniel and Grace’s family were one of the first few families that I photographed. At that time, their eldest son Lucas was just a little baby, probably about Timmy’s age right now. How time flies! And now Lucas is about 3 years old…? The great thing about the Lim babies is that they’re always very smiley (except if they get tired, hungry or irritated by the heat!) Since the Lim family have been living in Australia for a number of years, I am not surprised if they find the Malaysian weather to be too hot and humid. It was great catching up with you again, Dan & Grace… and thanks for bringing back the iPad from Australia for Alex! :)

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Happy birthday, Papa!

My dad turned 77 yesterday. He looks so old and fragile now, almost skin and bones in his less than 5 foot frame. I love my dad. He is a really smart man. His family was never well to do; after finishing secondary school, he managed to get a scholarship to study overseas in Kirkby, England. Those were the most exciting years of his life I believe, because years after that, he still speaks fondly of his memories at Kirkby. Recently though, these stories are told less frequently. You see, my dad has Alzheimer’s.

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Family Portraits: Dr Tan & Dr Helena

How apt that little Bernadette would be holding a book called “God Made”, when it is so obvious that God put His love and perfection into creating this little bundle of joy. Her twin brother, Benjamin, and older sister, Brigitte are equally precious creations in God’s eyes.

Dr Helena and Dr Tan are both gynaecologists – and they are such a warm couple. I got to know Dr Helena through Pitter Patter, an online pregnancy guide for women. I have done a number of maternity shoots with Pitter Patter, and after a few months, Dr Helena said “I’d love to have you photograph my family too!”

If you ever get to meet Dr Helena, you will instantly feel a connection and warmth that radiates from her. She smiles and laughs a LOT – which I am sure makes all the first-time pregnant mummies all comfy and less nervous! She is personable, and even has time to comment on my photos on Facebook! Hahaha…I always thought a doctor’s schedule is really hectic!

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