We often get requests for family portraits where everyone dresses up and comes to our studio or we go to their homes. But once in awhile, we also get requests like this one from Allison. She invited us over for an afternoon just to capture the everyday moments that she shares with her daughter. We love how casual and laid back this set turned out, with lots of love and affection between mother and daughter. It was a real treat to follow them around the house, just capturing them in their element as they bonded over their usual activities at home… cooking, lounging by the pool, taking walks in the garden, or catching up over a glass of wine. We even managed to squeeze in a pillow fight! It’s often the simple moments shared with family that we treasure the most, and they’re also the ones that fly by the quickest. We’re so glad to be able to immortalise a few of these precious moments for Allison.
This Mother’s Day, I’d like to share a poem that I came across on Facebook, written by this lady, Melanie Tan. It’s a really lovely piece adapted from another similar poem. I love how she has captured the feeling of motherhood through these lines. Wishing all amazing mothers out there, a Happy Mother’s Day.
Two blue lines,
Tears, excitement and fears
Will I be a good mother?
Can I survive child birth?
I wasn’t ready
Then, the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard
Hearing your heartbeat for the first time
That fast paced rhythm
I told myself, I can do this
I felt you
Your first kick
I smiled
Your first in-vitro hiccups
I laughed
Suddenly, you were here
Daddy’s nose, mummy’s lips
and those eyes
staring at me when we first met
and I fell in love
I held you, fed you
You cried and I cried
Our 3am staredowns
Sleepless nights
That smell of your head
Little wandering hands
A sniff, a kiss
While you gently suckle on my breast
You doze off
With droplets of love on your lips
I wipe them off and put you down gently
Thinking how much I will miss this
When you grow older
But there are also times I wanted to give up
Then you smile at me
Your cheeky wide grin
And you grab my hands with those little fingers
I pick myself up and console myself
This only gets better
We are growing together
Seeing the world as new
I’ll open my heart and shower you with love
You’ll giggle and I’ll do it all over again
And we’ll walk hand in hand
Until you let go
and explore the world with your two little feet
and I’ll be right behind you
Cheering you on
Or to catch you when you fall
Wherever you need me most
I’ll be there, always
I made you…
But you made me a mother.
It’s amazing when as a photographer, you can connect with your clients. It only took a few minutes for us to feel comfortable with each other. I only met May Lee & Adrian on the day of our shoot, and within two hours, we parted as friends. The love that they share for each other is just so obvious. May Lee, you look gorgeous! And Adrian, you’re not too bad yourself too! :)
I love this bib and clothing that has cute words like these. Even before your child forms their own opinion, the parents have decided what the kid should ‘think’. :) Yup, my kid will definitely have t-shirts that say things like “I have a cool mom”.
It was a beautiful day.
Thanks for a wonderful photo session together! Can’t wait to hear the good news really really soon! :)
Recently, I was approached by Sylvia, the Marketing & Sales Manager of PitterPatter.com.my, an online guide for pregnant mothers. Two dynamic doctors, Dr Helena Lim & Dr Natasha are the women behind this venture. It is their passion to help pregnant women, especially when it comes to giving good, sound advice for a healthy pregnancy. These women wrote all the information that you can find on the website.
One of the things they wanted to do was to make pregnancy look ‘hip’. Moms are to be celebrated! And so, in collaboration with Pitter Patter, Stories will be photographing 5 beautiful pregnant women within the next few months. This “Make Up Mom Day” is sponsored by Pitter Patter. The first to be featured in our series is Wan Effina, or better known as Fiena. She and her husband Amal were really easy to get along with.
Here are some photos from the shoot, and don’t forget to recommend Pitter Patter to all your pregnant friends!
This is the kind of light you get when you wake up early for morning shoots! The sun starting to peek through the clouds. Definitely worth it!
Fiena’s baby loves to listen to music…
Thanks, Fiena & Amal, for being so easy to work with. Glad you had fun on the photo shoot!