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Family Portraits at the Majestic: Victor & Adriena

Micah is a really cheeky 2 year old. According to his mom, he has always been an active baby. So the moment he started walking, he was here, there and everywhere! His smile captivated my heart the day we had our photo session at the Majestic. He is so easy going, loves people and laughs easily. Am sure he is going to melt many girl’s hearts! The grounds of the Majestic is perfect for an active 2 year old to run around like mad, be thrown in the air, or just simply explore. It’s great that Victor and Adriena cherish their family portraits so much that they would take time away from their busy lives to do something different.

Love, love, love this set of images!

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Family Portraits: A Malaysian-African Cutie Pie


The shoot idea started out as a gift from Hui Teen, her husband (Njau) and brother (Jun Yong) to her parents so that they would have more recent formal family pictures. The last shoot they did as a family was almost 10 years ago! As the idea became more concrete they thought that it would be a good idea to do it on or close to Hui Teen’s son’s first birthday as it would be a lovely memory for all of them and they would actually have something to commemorate her son’s first birthday. And as it happens, the date they did the shoot was his first birthday.

As a photographer, I encounter many scenarios like these… I suppose the idea of bringing your family to a photography studio 10-20 years ago was really a luxury. In the past 10 years, the idea of photographing your family constantly and regularly became more of a norm, especially since the price of cameras have become more affordable and phone camera specs have improved by leaps and bounds! Personally, I think family photography should not be seen as a luxury that only a select few can afford. I believe every family should look at their family photos as an investment… an heirloom that they can give to their future generation. It’s a record of life!



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Family Portraits: Kok Ming & Angeline

5 years after Kok Ming and Angeline tied the knot, their lives have been filled with excitement. They have started a business venture together, produced two lovely girls in the meantime, and relocated to a foreign country with no family support. But despite the challenges they faced, they are grateful for the good and bad times. Striving hard for their children’s future has been the foremost agenda on their mind these days, but now that Angeline is a stay-at-home mom, she is even more thankful for the sacrifices that her parents have made in the past.

“I have been a whole lot more patient ever since I had kids. Been laughing more and happier since I have been a stay at home mom for the past few months. I worry I will forget about all my happy moments when I am old, that’s why I want to have these pictures taken. How I wish time could slow down a little.” – Angeline  

As a working mom, I am amazed at all stay-at-home moms, as I don’t think I have the patience to deal with my children daily. I truly have respect for these mothers and sometimes wish I had the capacity to do such a job. I know that I pray daily for God’s guidance, wisdom and patience in dealing with my kids! Angeline also shares about how her husband is a hands-on man, always doing his best to keep the girls occupied with his funny antics and hilarious comments, even playing dollhouse and having tea parties with them frequently!

I really commend Kok Ming for his involvement. Truly, in a world where we can be so distracted, disinterested or uninvolved with our kids, Kok Ming has made time for his family. We need more people like this in this world.

Divya & her colourful family

Divya describes her family as colour to a white canvas. They wanted this photo session done with the immediate family as 2016 is such a significant milestone for them as a family.

Divya says: My mom and dad only had two girls. My sister Sandy (that’s what we call her) got married first and my parents were elated to have a son in the family. So technically my brother in law Rohen is the apple of the family. They then had a daughter, Maya, who was the sole grandchild for a good 4 years. She continues to remain as the princess of our family.

I got married last year and my parents got another Son in the family. My sister and I now jokingly complaint that our husbands have become more important to my parents than we are! (It may not be a joke… it actually may be the truth!.. lol) My dad was over the moon to have two sons on his camp as he has always been surrounded by my mom, sis and me who have talked his hair off his head :)

2016 was an eventful year for my parents they went from being grandparents to one little princes to having 3 additions to the family. AND all three were BOYS! of course you can imagine the excitement! We want to be able to capture that transition from just the 4 of us mom, dad, my sister and me to the whole lot of us now… our characters pretty much speak for itself. As a family we may seem loud (but aren’t all families?) and we love just being us. With the kids and us it can be a riot but it is what makes us who we are.

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Tan Family Portraits at the Studio

Living a nomadic life has been the trend in the Tan family from years ago. They’ve lived in Penang, Kelantan, Kuala Lumpur, and Kota Kinabalu, and interestingly, all siblings were born in different state. Abraham and Eva are now living in KL, running their own kindergarten even though all their children have left the nest. Their son Tim is now married to Joyce and living in Singapore. Peter, their other son is living in a lovely cottage in the UK with his wife Thuy and son Caleb.

The lovely girls in the family have been helping out in the kindergarten and homeschooling through the years. Now, Su-Ann has left to further her studies in Arkansas then with Su-Lynn coming shortly after, leaving Su-San behind with her mom and dad.

Last June, the entire family came back together for a holiday together and we did a portrait session together. It was really lovely to be able to meet this really warm family. Little baby Caleb wasn’t really in the mood for photos during the group session but we had a different session scheduled just for his family, so I’m so pleased to report that he was a happy camper then!

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