Michelle probably planned her wedding years ago. While some couples are uncertain about where to start looking for reliable vendors, Michelle knows them all. And this is because she has planned many other weddings before. No, she’s not married multiple times – Michelle is one of the wedding planners in my church and she has helped countless couples in their wedding preparations.
She knew where to go for the best bargains, where to purchase unique wedding favours, and also scouted all the cool locations in town.
And so, there are lots of yummy details that went into their wedding. Photos by Grace & Ian Chong.

Lovely gown by That Special Occasion.

The cool heng tais…

The things they had to do!! Since Albert & Michelle are close friends of ours, my poor husband Alex had to be one of the heng tais as well! (he’s the one of the right)

After the tea ceremony, we proceeded to a friend’s home to take some photos in their home.

And what a lovely home it is!!

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